Shasta Daylight Postcards

The Southern Pacific distributed lots of postcards of the Shasta Daylight. Here is an artist’s impression of the train led by Alco PAs going by Odell Lake in the Oregon Cascades.

Click on image to download a PDF of the front and back of this postcard.

Here is a more realistic view: General Motors E7s instead of Alco PAs, and the hill behind the lake isn’t a glacially carved peak.

Click on image to download a PDF of the front and back of this postcard.

The observation car of the train as it passes through the heavily forested Oregon Cascades, probably a little west of Odell Lake.

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Click on image to download a PDF of the front and back of this postcard.

The Shasta Daylight’s lounge car was supposedly inspired by Mt. Hood’s Timberline Lodge. I don’t see much of Timberline in this photo, but it probably doesn’t do justice to some of the artworks in the car. One anomaly is that Timberline Lodge’s tavern offers spectacular views of Mt. Hood, but the photomural at the end of the car, which is framed by faux window tenons, is of Crater Lake, some 250 miles south of Timberline.

Click on image to download a PDF of the front and back of this postcard.

In an age when most railroads had given up on articulated railcars, the diner and lounge of the Shasta Daylight were part of a three-unit articulated car. The middle unit was the kitchen, and the end units were the diner and lounge. Since the dining area was so large, the steward apparently oversaw the entire car from the center rather than from one end as in most dining cars.

Click on image to download a PDF of the front and back of this postcard.

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