Pullman at the Chicago Rail Fair

In the eight years after the end of the 1939-1940 New York World’s Fair, a world war had introduced many new technologies, an increasing number of railroads had purchased Budd stainless steel passenger trains, the development of dome cars was revitalizing long-distance trains, and an antitrust lawsuit had forced Pullman to split its operating division from its manufacturing division. Yet despite these dramatic changes, this brochure shows that the Pullman exhibit at the 1948-1949 Chicago Railroad Fair was nearly identical to the one at the 1939-1940 World’s Fair.

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The exhibit shown in the centerfold of the 1940 Pullman booklet is identical to the one shown on the back of this 1948 Chicago rail fair brochure. It consisted of a fake rail car that included the modern section, a roomette, double bedrooms, a compartment, a drawing room, and an observation lounge. The only difference in 1948 was the addition of duplex roomettes. People who attended both fairs must have been disappointed.

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