Burlington May 1950 Timetable

Like the timetables presented here in the last couple of days, this one is practically ad-free. There are several small ads, the largest of which fills half a page and in total they probably would fill a little more than two pages. But most appear to be thrown in wherever a gap would otherwise be in the timetables and were not a part of any coordinated campaign.

Click image to download a 22.9-MB PDF of this 36-page timetable.

The timetable shows that Burlington offered six trains a day between Chicago and the Twin Cities. The Oriental Limited‘s schedule is identical to the Black Hawk‘s as far west as St. Paul, then it takes a little longer to get to Minneapolis. That must mean they detached the Oriental‘s cars at St. Paul and added a Great Northern diner and observation-lounge car. Since passengers on the Oriental were in no rush to go to Minneapolis, that train left later.

Burlington had four trains a day from Chicago to Denver: the speedy Denver Zephyr (numbered 1 & 10, 16-1/2 hours westbound, 16-5/60 hours eastbound); the slightly slower California Zephyr (17 & 18), which left Chicago 90 minutes before the Denver Zephyr but arrived in Denver only 10 minutes before; the heavyweight Coloradan (6 & 19), which took 3-5/6 more hours than the California Zephyr; and the Fast Mail (7 & 14), which despite its name was slowest of all at around 36 hours each way. As the name implies, the Fast Mail was mostly mail cars with one coach for passengers for whom any other train was not quite as convenient.

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