Sir Alexander MacKenzie Dinner Menu

This menu is a tribute to Alexander MacKenzie, who in 1793 became the first European to cross the Rocky Mountains and reach the Pacific Coast. The building in the background is a “crofters cottage,” meaning the home of a tenant farmer, on the Island of Harris, where MacKenzie was born.

Click image to download a 424-KB PDF of this menu.

The cover painting, as well as the paintings on the other menus in this series, is signed “Lendon.” A book of Canadian Pacific posters includes a 1930 poster by Lendon, but the authors of the book were unable to find out any information about him. The signature on that poster is “Lendon London,” indicating that the artist was from England, not Canada.

Dated August 27, this menu was used on the Empress of Britain, which departed Liverpool on August 22 and was scheduled to arrive in Montreal on August 29. The main course was a choice between prime rib of beef or chicken a la king, although it wasn’t really a choice because diners could have both if they were hungry enough.

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