Jasper Park Lodge in 1927

We’ve already seen a 1927 booklet about Jasper National Park. That one was large — almost 8″x11″ — and contained several color illustrations. Today’s booklet is also from 1927, but it is smaller — about 5-1/2″x7-3/4″ — and has no color illustrations except for on the covers.

i>Click image to download an 8.4-MB PDF of this 36-page booklet.

Today’s also seems to be more about the lodge than the park. The front cover doesn’t say so, but the title page and the back cover both say “Jasper Park Lodge.” Still, the interior pages, most of which have half-page black-and-white photos, are as much about what people can do in the park as the facilities at the lodge itself.

The booklet includes three pages of suggestions of things people can see in one-, two-, or three-day visits to the park. It also describes five motor trips, nine short horseback riding trips, and five saddle-and-camping trips. Of course, it also mentions the golf course, swimming pool, tennis courts, dancing, and motion pictures at the lodge.

The descriptions of several of the saddle trips give prices of $15 to $20 per person per day (depending on how many are on the trip). That sounds affordable, but that’s about US$200 to US$260 today. In general, multiply the prices in the booklet by 13 to get today’s prices in U.S. dollars or by 16 to get today’s prices in Canadian dollars.

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