Baltimore & Ohio August 1949 Timetable

This timetable is a respectable 52 pages long. Twelve of those pages, however, are full-page ads or cutaway drawings of sleeping car accommodations. The actual timetables fill just 25 pages, including equipment lists but excluding fares, the station index, and list of agents.

Click image to download a 27.7-MB PDF of this timetable.

The B&O in 1949 operated four trains a day each way between New York (actually Jersey City) and Chicago, four between Jersey City and St. Louis, eight between Jersey City and Washington, two dozen a day between Baltimore and Washington, three a day between Baltimore and Detroit, two a day between Louisville and Detroit, and many more. B&O served a 36-mile branch line between Punxatawney, Pennsylvania (which had fewer than 9,000 residents in 1949) and Indiana, Pennsylvania (fewer than 12,000) with two trains a day.

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A printer code on page 51 says B&O printed 85,000 of these timetables. By comparison, Santa Fe printed 365,000 of its traveler’s edition July 1949 timetable. My thanks to Streamliner Memories reader Chris Taylor for contributing scans of this timetable.

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