Just as SP’s regular timetables were shrinking, its condensed timetables were shrinking as well. In 1955, the condensed timetable was 16 pages. This one is just 8.
Click image to download a 2.6-MB PDF of this 8-page timetable.
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Those 8 pages include one page for each route — Sunset, Golden State, Overland, Shasta, and Coast/San Joaquin — plus a page for connections in Chicago and St. Louis and a page listing Southern Pacific agents. Left out are branchlike trains, but by 1961, other than a train over subsidiary Northwestern Pacific and San Francisco commuter trains, SP no longer had any branchlike trains. It did connect with bus lines that went where those former branchlike trains went and those bus schedules were included in the full timetable but not this condensed one.