California Poppies Dinner Menu

This 1948 menu for an unspecified train suggests that the end of the war allowed Southern Pacific to offer a greater variety of meals. The table d’hôte side has six different entrées (compared with just three in a 1944 menu), including shrimp a la creole, veal, lamb casserole, and Southern style chicken stew. The a la carte side has sirloin steak, lamb chops, ham, ox tongue, and many more entrées and side dishes.

Click image to download a 1.7-MB PDF of this menu.

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The back of this menu has an advertisement showing a farmer purportedly viewing Southern Pacific as “my business partner.” Given the many decades of hostility between farmers and the “Octopus” — the name of a 1901 novel by Frank Norris castigating Southern Pacific for overcharging farmers and sometimes violently reacting to farmer protests — the friendly attitude described in this ad is unlikely.

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