Northern Pacific Plastichrome Cards

These two cards were printed for Northern Pacific by Colourpicture Publishers of Boston, which was associated with the Tichnor Brothers. The company trademarked the term “plastichrome” in November, 1965, so the cards may date from 1966 through 1970 — though the company may have used the name before formally trademarking it. The company went out of business in 2007.

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The first card shows a placid scene at an unidentified lake in Minnesota. The card notes that the state is the “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” which is actually an underestimate as the Minnesota DNR has counted 11,482 lakes of 10 acres or more, plus another 10,000 of 2.5 to 10 acres.
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In sharp contrast to the greens and blues of the previous photo, this postcard shows one of the open pit mines in Butte, Montana. While these mines produced millions of dollars worth of copper and other minerals, today they are mostly superfund sites.

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