Creighton University Dinner Menu

Until I found this menu, I was comfortable in the belief that UP had two college-oriented menus for most of the states it served, with four for California because it was so big and only one for Wyoming and perhaps a couple of other states because they only had one major college. But I’ve already documented menus for the University of Nebraska and the Municipal University of Omaha, so a third menu from a Nebraska university was a surprise.

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It may also be worth noting that all of the colleges so far are public except for two in California and, now, Creighton in Nebraska. Does this mean that there are more private college menus for some of the other states for which we have two public college menus? Perhaps Reed College in Oregon, Whitman College in Washington, or Brigham Young in Utah? Or, if public vs. private wasn’t really a criterion, maybe we will find Idaho State College in Idaho in addition to the two found for Idaho; perhaps the Municipal University of Wichita in addition to UK and KSC in Kansas. The point is, there may be a lot more college menus out there.

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