Swiftcurrent Valley Menu

One more Glacier Park menu from the New York Public Library. Like yesterday’s, this one is from 1946 and has the lower prices ($1.25 for “plate dinner number one”). Curiously, the number of entrĂ©es in the number one plate dinner has dwindled from five in 1941 to four in 1943 to just three in 1946.

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The bear grass on the cover of this menu could be anywhere in the northern Rockies, but the photo caption says it was in Swiftcurrent Valley, meaning close to the Many Glacier Hotel. There is a hint of mountainside in the background on the right, but I don’t recognize it so I’ll have to take the caption’s word for it.

St. Mary Lake Menu

Unlike yesterday’s menu, which is from my personal collection, this one is from the New York Public Library. Like yesterday’s, this dinner menu is dated 1946, but the prices are the lower prices as the 1947 menu. Where today’s menu has a lengthy message assuring compliance with war-related price controls, yesterday’s has a shorter message saying that it complies with the price controls “as amended 1946.” Perhaps the Great Northern took advantage of that amendment to raise prices, then reduced them again in 1947 (by which time price controls had been completely lifted) in response to customer feedback.

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While the cover photo of Lake Josephine on yesterday’s menu was gorgeous, the photo of St. Mary Lake on this menu is a disappointment. It must have been taken in the afternoon, as the mountains in the middleground are in shadow, and the little island in the center of the lake is apparently obscured by the tree in the foreground. If Great Northern’s photographer had gotten up a few hours earlier, he or she might have gotten a photo like this spectacular 2009 picture by Stephen Oachs.

Lake Josephine Menu

Here’s another dinner menu in Great Northern’s Glacier Park series, this one from 1946 showing Lake Josephine, in the Many Glacier region. The menu itself is similar to, but actually slightly higher-priced than, the 1947 Empire Builder menu presented here recently. The number 1 plated dinner, for example is $1.50 in this menu but only $1.25 in the 1947 menu, while the number 2 dinner is 85 cents vs. 65 cents.

Click image to download a 1.4-MB PDF of this menu.

The beautiful cover photo shows a lake that is a two-mile walk from Great Northern’s Many Glacier Hotel. Alternatively, there is a boat cruise to the end of Swift Current Lake, and from there it is just a “steep, 400 yard walk” to another boat that can take customers across Lake Josephine.

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Great Northern Bookmark

This bookmark is undated, but the blue-and-red color scheme looks contemporaneous with the 1940 Glacier Park brochure I posted a few days ago. The back of the bookmark lists several “splendid books on the historic Northwest,” and the newest was first published in 1933, so it can’t date before that year.

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The back also lists major national organizations, such as the American Library Association and American Bar Association, that were planning to hold national conventions in San Francisco, Long Beach, or Seattle in the coming year. According to the American Library Association, that group held one of its annual conferences in San Francisco in June of 1939, so this bookmark must be from 1939.

1916 (?) Glacier Park Brochure

This incomplete document seems to be a mock-up for a brochure advertising Glacier Park hotels. The person I acquired it from thought it was from about 1916, which is possible as the three hotels mentioned were all built by that date. But it could also be from a few years later.

Click image to download a 3.7-MB PDF of this brochure.

The full brochure has six panels. One panel has Glacier Park Hotel, “visited the first day.” The next panel features Two Medicine Lake, also “visited the first day.” The next panel has Going to the Sun Chalets, “visited the third day.” The two panels below are devoted to Many Glacier, but they don’t say what day that is visited.
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1946 Glacier Park Brochure

The war was over and the streamlined Empire Builder was still a year away, but Great Northern was advertising its trains to Glacier National Park with this orange-and-blue brochure. While the orange foreshadows GN streamlined trains, it results in rather ghastly faces of people apparently watching a sunset in Glacier Park.

Click image to download a 10.1-MB PDF of this brochure.

Using orange, blue, and black ink, this brochure is just one step away from four-color printing. GN began using four-color photos in its magazine ads as early as 1940, as shown in the example below. But perhaps the GN marketing department felt that the economics of printing had not yet advanced enough to make the four-color process feasible for large brochures.
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1940 Glacier National Park Brochure

This brochure advertises both Glacier National Park and the Golden Gate Exposition, which was held in both 1939 and 1940. The Great Northern Railway went by Glacier, of course, but no closer to San Francisco than Portland. But railroads never hesitated to solicit business from people going to places that weren’t actually on their rail lines.

Click image to download an 8.0-MB PDF of this brochure.

Curiously, the cover of this brochure features not a picture of Glacier or the expo but of a steam locomotive, specifically a GN S-2 4-8-4 locomotive. Since GN rival Union Pacific (which did have trains going to the expo as well as to several national parks) already had streamliners in 1940, this seems like a poor choice of photos.

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Standard Road of the West?

In 1916, the Pennsylvania Railroad adopted the motto, “the standard railroad of the world.” That’s somewhat disputable, as it was the Baltimore & Ohio whose maximum grade, curvature, and other engineering standards were adopted by numerous other railroads. But by 1916, the power and profitability of the Pennsylvania had totally eclipsed that of the B&O. In fact, between 1881 and 1901, PRR was the world’s largest private corporation.

Click image to download a PDF of this letterhead.

In any case, at some point, the Union Pacific began calling itself “the standard road of the West.” When I found this letterhead, I assumed that UP was imitating the Pennsylvania, but according to UP’s web site, it first made this claim no later than 1912 in order to distinguish itself from the Southern Pacific. The motto was also used on this 1911 travel brochure. Of course, it’s possible that PRR had used the motto before 1916.
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Manhattan Limited On-Board Stationery

The Manhattan Limited was one of the longest-lived train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, having started in 1903 (nine years before the fabled Broadway Limited) as a Chicago-to-New York train paired with the Chicago Limited going in the other direction. In 1913, both trains were named Manhattan Limited.

Click image to download a PDF of this letterhead.

At its beginning, the Manhattan Limited was an extra-fare, all-Pullman train, but it was hardly the premiere train on the route. At the time, the Pennsy had seven daily trains from New York to Chicago and eight from Chicago to New York (two of which went on a longer route via Columbus rather than via Ft. Wayne). At least two of these trains–the Pennsylvania Special and Pennsylvania Limited–were also all-Pullman trains that–by virtue of making fewer stops–were faster than the Manhattan Limited.

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Indian Ponies Menu

This is another dinner menu from the Santa Fe Grand Canyon whose interior is identical to yesterday’s Monument Valley menu and last month’s Grand Canyon menu. The cover painting is by Gerard Curtis Delano, an eastern artist who moved to Colorado in 1919, at the age of 29.

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.

The Santa Fe acquired this painting in 1942 and used it on the company’s 1945 calendar. This subdued painting is actually unusual for Delano, whose paintings tended to feature bright, saturated colors as shown in the example below.
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