The Oriental Limited Leaves Chicago at 11 PM

The 1924 Oriental Limited left Chicago at 11 pm and arrived in Seattle or Portland at 7 pm. This blotter doesn’t say how many days the journey required, but travelers departing Monday night wouldn’t arrive until Thursday evening, meaning the trip took a full 70 hours. This particular blotter was used by GN’s agent in Des Moines.

Click any image to download a PDF of the blotters. Each PDF is about 0.4 MB in size.

This slightly more colorful blotter conveys the same information (and lack of information about the trip’s duration). The train’s route to Seattle at that time extended about 2,225 miles, so the average speed was under 32 mph. Most regular travelers at that time would be aware of this, but some making their first trip to the West Coast might be surprised if they were relying on the information in this blotter that was distributed by GN’s agent in Boston.

Residents of Great Falls would have to take a local train to Shelby to catch the Oriental Limited. The schedule suggested on this blotter required a 3-1/2 hour train ride to Shelby followed by a 5-1/4-hour layover in Shelby. I wonder why the blotter doesn’t mention train 43, which (at least in 1928) left Great Falls six hours later than the time shown on the blotter and arrived in Shelby just in time to catch the Oriental Limited to Seattle.

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Finally, the blotter below doesn’t mention the Oriental Limited but does emphasize the amenities from taking the GN to the Pacific Northwest. This blotter was given out by GN’s agent in St. Louis, which is where train 43 (mentioned above) originated. That train went through Kansas City and Omaha to Billings on the Burlington Route and then to Great Falls and Shelby on the GN, where its cars would either be added to the Oriental Limited or run as a separate section of that train to Glacier Park, in which case passengers going west of Glacier would transfer to the Oriental Limited at Glacier.

GN’s 1928 timetable says that trains 43 and 44 (which briefly would be called the Adventureland) had Pullmans, coaches, and a diner, but did not have a lounge car such as the one shown on the blotter or the Oriental Limited‘s other amenities such as a valet, ladies’ maid, and barber.

The above is a slight variation on the previous blotter. The blotters list the address of GN’s St. Louis office as the Boatmen’s Bank Building (now known as the Marquette Building). The office numbers, however, changed from 203-204 in the previous blotter to 519 in this one, which may be why the second blotter was issued.

To California Via the New Oriental Limited

These 1924 blotters all advertise the new Oriental Limited as a route to California. The first is aimed at Chicago residents, who would only take the GN on their way to California–a route that would add one to two full days to their travels–if they were interested in Northwest scenery.

Click any image to download a PDF of the blotters. Each PDF is about 0.4 to 0.6 MB in size.

The second blotter is aimed at St. Paul residents, who still might have been a hard sell as they could take the Chicago & North Western, Milwaukee Road, or Rock Island to Omaha and then head to California on the Union Pacific from there.

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As Wonderful as the Country It Serves

Most of these blotters are from the Minnesota History Center where they are carefully filed by date in the Great Northern Advertising and Publicity Department‘s files. Those files go back as far as 1924, which also happened to be when the “new” Oriental Limited was introduced. Some of these 1924 blotters give information about the features of that new train.

Click any image to download a PDF of the blotters. Each PDF is about 0.4 to 0.5 MB in size.

When GN introduced the train, it held a contest to select a slogan for the train. “As wonderful as the country it serves” was one of the contest winner, and this slogan is used in much of the train’s advertising. The above blotter is actually owned by Colorado collector Dale Hastin, but I found the identical blotter in the History Center files so I can be certain it is from 1924. I used Dale’s blotter in this case because the scan is somewhat more accurate than the camera that the History Center required me to use. Note that this particular blotter was specifically for GN’s agent in Helena, Montana.

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City of Denver Postcard

This postcard illustrates a very unusual car. In 1953, Union Pacific replaced the pre-war City of Denver with modern equipment. Most of the new cars were conventional, with coaches and sleepers easily exchangeable with nearly identical cars on other City trains. But the diners were found only on the City of Denver.

Click image to download a 0.4-MB PDF of this postcard.

Instead of fitting both the kitchen and dining room into one car, UP ordered two twin-unit cars from American Car & Foundry in which one car held a kitchen and dormitory for train crew while the other car consisted solely of a dining room. The room could seat 66 people, far more than an ordinary diner which, with four-across seating, could serve 48 people at one time.
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City of Los Angeles Hoover Dam Menu

We’ve already seen a Hoover Dam menu from 1946 (when UP still called it Boulder Dam), but the photo used on that menu showed numerous automobiles that clearly dated from the 1940s. For this 1968 menu, UP used a new photo that cleverly did not include any automobiles whose styles might soon become outdated.

Click image to download a 1.6-MB PDF of this menu.

The descriptions accompanying the photos have also changed. Where the 1946 menu simply marveled at the “engineering triumph” and “masterpiece of masonry,” the 1968 menu explains further that, before the dam, “the Colorado River was America’s most dangerous and one of its most destructive streams. Now it is a highly useful servant.” Little did UP know that the environmental movement that was then in its infancy would soon persuade much of the public that such dams were desecrators of nature and despoilers of beauty.
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Zion, Bryce, Grand Canyon: 1967

Although Union Pacific sold its Sun Valley resort in 1962, it retained ownership of the Utah Parks Company and its lodges and other facilities in Zion, Bryce, Grand Canyon, and Cedar Breaks until 1972, when it donated the buildings to the National Park Service. Thus, it remained an enthusiastic promoter of the parks as long as it continued to offer passenger service.

Click image to download a 13.2-MB PDF of this 16-page booklet.

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American Royal Menu

Kansas City has an annual horse show called the American Royal, which is the source of the name of the Burlington train, the American Royal Zephyr. In 1967, the Kansas City Saddle and Sirloin Club sent American Royal Ambassadors to the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo via Union Pacific, and this was the July 30 lunch menu served on that trip. The menu offers a choice of Union Pacific’s chef’s salad, French fried shrimp, or tenderloin tips in a vegetable casserole for $3 (about $16.50 today).

Click image to download a 1.5-MB PDF of this menu.

The menu cover shows Mt. Rainier with the appropriately named Reflection Lake in the foreground. The 2011 photo below shows that little has changed in this part of Mt. Rainier National Park.
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1965 Jackson Hole Menu

This menu shows the Chapel of Transfiguration in Grand Teton National Park. Unusually for a church, this chapel has a window behind the alter so parishioners can enjoy a view of the Tetons in case the sermon is boring. As Wikipedia notes, the chapel was built in 1925 “to serve guests and employees of the dude ranches that stretched north of Jackson along the base of the Teton Range.”

Click image to download a 1.8-MB PDF of this menu.

Though dated more than a year later, this City of Los Angeles menu’s offerings are very similar to those of the Disneyland menu that appeared here a couple of days ago. Most of the prices have increased by 5 to 15 cents, and one or two a la carte items, such as kadota figs, are off the menu, but other than that, the main change is that menu items that used to be in all-caps are now in upper- and lower-case letters.

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Associated Food Stores Menu

Here’s what appears at first glance to be a Union Pacific menu that may never have been used aboard a train, or even by the railroad. Inside, it says it is for the twenty-fifth anniversary lunch for Associated Food Stores, a retail coop that currently distributes foods to about 500 stores, including some four dozen stores that it owns outright. According to the menu, in 1965 Associated was located at 1812 South Empire Road in Salt Lake City; today it is headquartered just one block away from this address.

Click image to download a 1.4-MB PDF of this menu.

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Union Pacific to Disneyland

This 1964 breakfast menu for the City of Los Angeles features Disneyland’s Main Street, which is the second thing visitors would see after entering the park. UP wouldn’t want to include the first thing they would see: the Disneyland and Santa Fe Railway, the train around the park that was co-branded by UP competitor Santa Fe. Unstated on the menu is the then-little-known fact that Walt Disney himself had an apartment above the firehouse, the building in the center of this photo, where he often stayed to watch the operation of his park.

Click image to download a 2.0-MB PDF of this menu.

The menu itself has seven complete breakfasts and many of those come with several options. “Ham, bacon, or sausage with one egg or minced ham with scrambled eggs.” “Two eggs, boiled, fried, scrambled, or shirred.” “Roast beef hash or corned beef hash with poached egg.” All of the breakfasts came with fruit, juice, or cereal, toast or muffins and jam, and a beverage.

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