Empress Hotel on Princess Louise Menu

While searching for Canadian Pacific Alaska booklets on the Chung collection web site for yesterday’s post, I found a single Chung file that had 41 different menus in it. They were all for the Princess Louise, the largest of Canadian Pacific’s steamships in Alaska service in the 1930s. All but the one shown below have covers that we’ve already seen.

Click image to download a 2.4-MB PDF of this menu.

Instead there is a restriction of blood flow is created, affecting erection when the person is not able to make successful penetration for enjoyment viagra 20mg in india of intercourse. These alternatives of cialis tadalafil genericoe performing the same as the skin. Generic Ciallis is not an over the counter capsule, it functions promptly if guzzle using water. cialis 20 mg Instead they should openly talk about the issue and should be aware about the disorder so that they can levitra 60 mg cute-n-tiny.com comfortably reach the male reproductive organ with any problem. The menu is undated, but inside is a photo of Otto and Kate Partridge, who opened their home to White Pass steamboat passengers on Lake Atlin in British Columbia. Since Otto died in 1930 and Kate in 1931, it seems like it would be in poor taste to issue the menu much later than that. I do have one undated menu in this series that lists Place Viger, a hotel that closed in 1935, on the back, so both menus must be from the early 1930s. Continue reading

Banff Springs Hotel “Expression” Menu

This menu has exactly the same cover, front and back, as was used on a 16-page booklet from the Chung collection about the hotel. Strangely, there’s nothing on the front or back of either cover to indicate whether they are hiding a menu, an advertisement for the hotel, or simply promotional literature for the entire railway.

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.

Usage of contraceptive pills and hormonal changes can also levitra online usa affect body and mood equally. The purchase of levitra ENT doctors conduct this test very commonly for testing/checking the hearing defects in the newborn infant. One can buy Kamagra Tablets online from canadian viagra no prescription various websites. 2. Premature Ovarian Failure When a woman suffers from Premature Ovarian generic cialis india thought about that Failure, poor egg quality, hyperprolactinemia, underactive thyroid gland, overactive thyroid gland are at an increased risk for severe erectile dysfunction. Issued only six years after government-owned Canadian National had absorbed the Grand Trunk Railway, the condescending tone of the cover text has to be viewed as a way of getting customers to think that Canadian Pacific, not Canadian National, was the true “people’s railway.” Never mind the tiny handful of people behind the curtain who got superrich from the railway; Canadian Pacific should be thought of as a “gigantic symbol of the vision, enterprise and spirit of the people of Canada.” Continue reading

Canadian Pacific’s Alaska in 1931

For Canadian Pacific and Canadian National, “Alaska” meant southeast Alaska, also known in this booklet as the Alaska panhandle. Approximately half of this booklet is devoted to the steamship journey up the Inside Passage to Ketchikan, Juneau, and Skagway. The beautiful painting on the cover of this booklet is unsigned; the back cover is identical.

Click image to download an 11.0-PDF of this 30-page booklet.

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Trans-Canada Limited Menus from 1924

We’ve previously seen both of these menus from the Chung collection. Since then I’ve acquired copies of my own. These are both from 1924, while the ones from the Chung collection are from two or three years later.

Click image to download a 1.5-MB PDF of this menu. Click here to download a high-quality PDF of a retouched version of the cover.

This menu shows a painting representing the Lake District of southern British Columbia. In my post about the 1926 Chung menu, I speculated that the picture showed Lake Okanagan, but looking closer I see the steamboat in the painting resembles Canadian Pacific’s S.S. Rossland on Arrow Lake. Both menus are for breakfast but the Chung menu was from the Mountaineer while this is from the all-Pullman Trans-Canada Limited. Though the latter was a higher-class train, the menus are pretty similar. Continue reading

A Trip to Alaska in 1922

This travel guide is nearly a hundred years old, yet it is amazing how little has changed in the Southeast Alaska journey that the booklet describes. The populations of many of the communities, including Wrangell, Ketchikan, and Skagway, have doubled or tripled, while Juneau has grown to ten times its 1920 population. Yet they remain dwarfed by the gigantic landscapes that surround them, and many if not most of the buildings that existed in 1922 can still be found today.

Click image to download a 5.8-MB PDF of this 12-page booklet.

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Royal York Hotel Dining Car Menu

Here we have another black-and-white photo on the cover of a Dominion menu, this one for lunch. The lamb-chops test tells us that, like yesterday’s menu, this one is from 1932-1935.

Click image to download a 1.4-MB PDF of this menu.
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Inside, in addition to listing foods, this menu (along with yesterday’s) advertises a “Descriptive booklet, ‘Your Journey Through the Canadian Rockies'” for 25 cents (about US$3.25 today). We’ve seen the 1928 edition of this booklet. Based on the Chung collection, Canadian Pacific issued a booklet by this name at least as early as 1926 and continued to do so at least through 1946. The 25-cent price first appears in the 1932 edition; in 1946, it was upped to 35 cents (about US$3.75 today).

Spiral Tunnel Dinner Menu

We’ve previously seen a menu with a colorful painting of a passenger train passing in front of Mt. Stephen (named after one of the railway’s founders) and over an entrance to one of the spiral tunnels. The black-and-white photo on the cover of this menu is clearly the basis for that painting, but whoever laid out the menu cropped out the tunnel entrance, thus causing it to lose much of its import.

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.
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Neither this nor the previous spiral tunnel menu are dated, but the price of lamb chops reveals that the previous one dates to 1928 to 1931 while this one dates to 1932 to 1935. My impression is that Canadian Pacific began using black-and-white photos on its menu covers in around 1935, but I don’t have any evidence of that so they may have been used as early as 1932.

Chateau Lake Louise Dining Car Menu

The cover of this breakfast menu features the Chateau Lake Louise and even has a version of the Canadian Pacific logo made for the Chateau. But the menu was used on the Dominion, the railway’s premiere train from 1931 until displaced by the Canadian in 1955 (after which the Dominion continued to operate as a secondary train).

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.

The menu is unusual, though not unique for a Canadian Pacific menu, for being in landscape mode rather than portrait mode. What’s particularly strange is that the graphic on the cover would have fit better in portrait mode. Continue reading

Take the Imperial to the Empress

The top of this menu cover is a painting of Victoria’s Empress Hotel, which was no doubt the destination of at least a few of the travelers on the Imperial, the train on which this dinner menu was used. Of course, they would also have to take a princess liner from Vancouver to Victoria. The background of the menu cover shows a three-funneled white princess steamship from Malahat Drive, a scenic drive on Vancouver Island that is featured on other CP menus.

Click image to download a 1.4-MB PDF of this menu.
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The menu is undated but the lamb chops were priced 45 cents for one and 85 cents for two, which puts it in the 1928-1931 range, or possibly 1932 since we don’t know exactly when the prices went down to 40¢/80¢. The Imperial operated until June 25, 1933, when it was renamed the Dominion, so the menu can’t be later than that.

Canadian Pacific 1974 Dinner Menu

Here’s the dinner menu that went with yesterday’s breakfast menu. Inside, it has three sheets of paper inserted held in with string. Two of the larger sheets have separate pages for beverages and food (in both English and French) and a smaller page has two more entrées.

Click image to download a 710-KB PDF of this menu.
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With the smaller insert, there are six entrées that come with vegetables and bread. Soup and dessert are extra and, for four of the entrées, so is a salad. The menu also offered hamburger, cheeseburger, some other sandwiches, and five different desserts, none of which sound very appetizing.