Multnomah Falls Dinner Menu

We’ve already seen this menu cover, but I picked this one up because it included some inserts that showed what might appear as daily specials. As with the previous Multnomah Falls menu, one side of the printed menu shows beverages. The real menu was mimeographed and glued on (and I didn’t try to remove it to show what was underneath as that was pretty standard).

Click image to download a 1.9-MB PDF of this passenger list.
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This particular menu was dated July 1, 1930. The glued-in left-side menu offered some a la carte items ranging from macaroni and cheese to mountain trout, plus appetizers, soups, salads, and desserts. The right side presents a table d’hôte menu with three entrées (all of which are also on the a la carte side) served with the usual accompaniments. The table d’hôte meals are all $1.25 even though the a la carte versions of the same entrées range from 75¢ to 90¢. Multiplying prices by 15 to get today’s dollars makes these sound affordable, but remember that even after adjusting for inflation working-class workers only earned about a third as much as they do today.

AARTA 1928 Passenger List

This is a menu cover we’ve seen before, but it’s not a menu. Instead, it’s the passenger list for the 10th annual convention of the American Association of Railroad Ticket Agents. Coincidentally, we’ve also seen a Canadian National menu used for that same convention.

Click image to download a 1.8-MB PDF of this passenger list.
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The passenger list names about 25 to 29 people in each of ten different cars. These would probably have been twelve-and-one cars–twelve sections (meaning twelve upper and twelve lower berths) and a drawing room with potentially three more beds, for a total of 27 beds per car–or possibly 14-section sleepers (28 beds). Some of the people on the passenger list were couples–or, in one case, sisters–who may have shared a single berth.

Dude Ranches Out West

According to the Streamliner Memories reader who contributed this PDF, this 1924 booklet is the first of Union Pacific’s many dude ranch booklets. It is likely that UP did a new dude ranch booklet every year, except for the war years, up until 1959. This one focuses mainly on dude ranches around Yellowstone, plus a few in Wyoming’s Snowy Range, and one in central Oregon that happens to have been a few miles from where I live.

Click image to download a 16.0-MB PDF of this 16-page booklet.

Dude ranches continued to thrive after 1959 and many still exist today, but Union Pacific apparently decided that too few dudes were taking UP trains to justify publishing more booklets after that year. I suspect that few of the ranches in this booklet still exist; the one in central Oregon lasted only two years as a dude ranch, though it continued as a cattle ranch for many years after that. Today it is a residential subdivision. Continue reading

Harpers Ferry Menu

Like yesterday’s menu, this one is marked for the Ambassador. The prices on this menu are the same as yesterday’s, so they were probably issued the same year. Based on the advertising for the “new Slumbercoach” on the back of yesterday’s menu, I dated it to 1958.

Click image to download a 1.5-MB PDF of this menu.
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The back of this menu is more prosaic, advertising B&O’s service to industry. “In the last 15 years a plant has been located or one expanded every 30 hours along B&O lines,” it says. That would be almost 4,400 new or expanded plants, which is a remarkable record. Too bad many of those industries didn’t last until today.

Menu for the Ambassador

Featuring the Lincoln Memorial on the cover, this menu was used on the Ambassador, B&O’s train connecting Baltimore with Detroit. The back of the menu advertises “another new B&O feature: Slumbercoaches on the Columbian.” The B&O introduced Slumbercoaches in 1958, so the menu must be from that year or shortly after.

Click image to download a 2.2-MB PDF of this menu.
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The menu offered table d’hôte meals of Long Island scallops, tomato omelet, grilled chicken, beef pot roast, or sirloin steak, the latter of which cost $4.75 (which would be $42 today). The a la carte side included nine sandwiches and five salads. The menu doesn’t say what meal it was for, but considering the Ambassador left its terminal cities in the early evening and arrived in the morning, it would have to be dinner.

Baltimore & Ohio Breakfast Menu

The cover of this menu features what appears to be a demitasse cup of coffee (in B&O’s Centenary pattern) with the note that it was “on the house,” a “pleasant B&O tradition.” However, the menu itself says nothing about coffee being on the house; indeed, the a la carte menu charges 35 cents for a pot. Perhaps this was an unwritten tradition.

Click image to download a 2.6-MB PDF of this menu.
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The back of the menu encourages passengers who want to build “plants” to locate along the B&O. It claims that, “In the last 15 years a plant has been located or one expanded every 30 hours along B&O lines.” There’s no date on the menu, but I’m guessing for this claim to be true it would have to be around 1955 or 1956. The prices on the menu are about right for that era.

Columbian Lunch Menu

Baltimore & Ohio introduced “strata-domes” to the Columbian in 1949. Today we have two menus featuring a strata-dome on their covers. One is dated 1952 while the other is undated but must be from a little later considering some of the prices were higher.

Click image to download a 1.8-MB PDF of this 1952 menu.

The menus don’t say what meals they were for, but from the heavy emphasis on sandwiches, I’d say they were for lunch. For much of its life, the westbound Columbian was scheduled to depart Jersey City at noon and the eastbound train arrived at 1 pm, so there would have been time for lunch in either direction. Continue reading

B&O 1951 Menu Card

I presented a B&O menu card a couple of days ago that I guessed was from 1950 and was intended for lunch. I don’t have to guess the date of this one as it says 5-51, but it still doesn’t identify the meal it was for. My inclination is to think that cards were for lunch and folders were for dinner, but this menu is a bit fancier than the previous menu card.

Click image to download a 682-KB PDF of this menu.
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While the previous menu card had four different plate meals, this one has six; while the previous one had seven sandwiches, this one has ten. Still, it was probably used for lunch. The back is blank.

New Columbian Menu

This handsome menu is dated 12-50, which means that the train featured on its cover, the streamlined “new” Columbian, had been in service for a year. The original Columbian entered service in 1931 as the first air conditioned train in America. In 1949 B&O streamlined it and added the stratodome car shown on the cover.

Click image to download a 1.9-MB PDF of this menu.
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The menu inside doesn’t say what meal it was for, but I’m guessing dinner. “Chef Suggestions” include fish, hamburger steak, and baked ham with a choice of potatoes, vegetables, rolls, and beverage. There is also a roast turkey plate dinner, Maryland oysters, or fried country sausage patties. The menu also lists several appetizers, soups, salads, sandwiches, beverages, and desserts.

B&O Lunch Card

This menu is undated but I suspect it’s from around 1950. It also doesn’t say what meal it is for, but lunch seems reasonable as many of the offerings are lunch-like: hot chicken sandwich, beef stew, mushroom omelet, and several sandwiches.

Click image to download a 688-KB PDF of this menu.
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Unlike many menu cards, the back of this one isn’t blank. Instead, it encourages people to visit Washington, “the city of a thousand thrills” and “shrine of American patriotism.” I can think of some other phrases I would use to describe Washington, but it wouldn’t be appropriate to put them here.