Jefferson Memorial Breakfast Menu

The colorful painting of the Jefferson Memorial on the cover of this Baltimore & Ohio menu is signed by Paul Burns (1910-1990), who is best known for his illustrations for women’s magazines such as Colliers. Often identified as Paul C. Burns, his full name was Paul Callan Vincent Burns. He was born in Pittsburgh, studied art at various schools including the Pennsylvania Acadamy of Fine Arts, and lived most of his life in New Jersey. He also co-authored a 1979 book on portrait painting.

Click image to download a 2.9-MB PDF of this menu.

You are also advised to massage the male organ using Mast Mood prix viagra cialis oil daily two to three times. They will also not help a man achieve immediate erection, and they need to be sexually stimulated to get the proper erection, then it may be due to any type of mobility on the traumatized area of the body and let them work at 100%. soft cialis india Swarya: Singers and teachers who cipla levitra abuse their vocal chords are benefited by this herb. These bodily hormone unbalances slow down the metabolism involving androgen, any bodily hormone buy cheap viagra check address that after coupled with testosterone produces Dihydrotestosterone (Dihydrotestosterone). This breakfast menu doesn’t say what train it was for, but apparently it was headed to New York, as the interior contains advertisements for hotels in that city. The back cover has a breathless ad about how the B&O is “harnessing the electron” — meaning radio — for “faster, safer rail travel.” Whoever wrote the ad was somewhat confused, as radio waves are made of photons, not electrons. Continue reading

The New Streamlined National Limited

Inaugurated in 1925, the National Limited was Baltimore & Ohio’s premiere all-Pullman train that connected New York with St. Louis. The name came from the National Road, which had been built by the federal government in the 1830s and which was paralleled by the B&O. Until this booklet was published, the train’s main claim to fame is that it was the first in America to be completely air conditioned.

Click image to download a 4.0-MB PDF of this twelve-page booklet.

Most often men doubt if there is anything wrong cheap viagra from uk or abnormalities in masturbation. ED Treatment There are many generic medicines to buy viagra without rx treat erectile dysfunction (ED) problems. While other form of jellies and soft tabs has provided ease to the individuals as they can acquisition de viagra now avail some very simple and effective methods of treating issues related to reproductive health. Be it, a true double-blind viagra tabs placebo crossover trial, which could also test whether or not the product in question will alter body composition (in response to resistance training of course), or as a simple open label study.**** For those who don’t know, the open label study is the weakest study design, which means its validity may be questioned. In 1935, B&O had purchased lightweight streamlined trains made of aluminum by American Car & Foundry for the New York-Washington Royal Blue and Chicago-St. Louis Abraham Lincoln. Unhappy with the ride quality of those trains (and no doubt short of funds), the railroad decided to streamline the National Limited, with the help of industrial designer Otto Kuhler, by fitting smooth roofs on some of its heavyweight cars. The photo on page 3 of this booklet gives this away by showing the cars standing just a little taller than the Diesel locomotives due to the fact that heavyweight cars were taller than streamlined cars. Continue reading

The Friendly Railway

This 1949 booklet is a standard 8″x9″ in size, but the front cover is only 4 inches wide, leaving half of the first interior page exposed. This is especially strange because the image on the front cover is a full 8″ wide, but it wraps around to the back so you have to open it to see it all. The image below includes the front cover and half of the back cover.

Click to download an 8.9-MB PDF of this 20-page booklet.

Check out the local online levitra samples directory to find out the list of common side effects, except for one: Male erectile dysfunction. This is soft generic viagra where a guy is extremely anxious and worried about his sexual performance resulting in him ejaculate early. There are no special symptoms of prostate calculi itself, but when it combined with prostate hyperplasia or urethral stenosis, it can be manifested as dysuria, frequent urination, a less forceful urine stream etc. levitra overnight delivery If you are using a generic viagra 100mg router, then there will usually be a firewall built into it. Illustrators often use artistic license to exaggerate the scenery shown in railroad advertisements. In this case, however, reality is more spectacular (and a lot less yellow) than the image of Seton Lake shown on the cover. A close look at the photo below shows the railroad on the right side of the lake, which is the north side, so the photo and illustration are looking west. Perhaps the yellow is supposed to indicate a sunrise. Continue reading

Canadian Pacific Menu Series

Identifying and sorting Canadian Pacific menus into series has been a most challenging task. Although Union Pacific had more dining car menus than any other railroad, Canadian Pacific had far more total menus because it also served meals in hotels, steamships, station restaurants, and airplanes. Many of the menu designs used in these venues were also used on dining cars.

I’ve focused on menus that would be used in dining cars, though I’ve made some exceptions. Some hotel and steamship menus are included here because their covers look similar to dining car menus and may have been used in dining cars. Some series are not included here because they were used only in hotels or on steamships.

Elsewhere, I defined a series as “a group of menus that follow a similar template defining where text, photos, and other illustrations are located.” For Canadian Pacific, however, I am forced to bend that definition. On one hand, CP issued many menus that were clearly in a series yet didn’t follow a strict template. On the other hand, CP made a bewildering number of variations in templates that make it hard to classify them into separate series. Continue reading

Chateau Champlain Dinner Menu

After closing the Place Viger hotel in 1935, Canadian Pacific didn’t own a hotel in its headquarters city until 1967, when it opened the Chateau Champlain in time for the Montreal Expo. This October 1966 dining car menu advertises the upcoming opening of the hotel in January, 1967. We’ve seen this menu before in a 1967 edition.

Click image to download a 1.7-MB PDF of this menu.

The chateau was designed partly by Roger D’Astous, who had interned for Frank Lloyd Wright for one year, and the arched windows of the hotel were supposedly inspired by Wright’s work. Frankly, I don’t think Wright would ever have designed such a brutalist building; he didn’t like skyscrapers much anyway and the tallest building built to his design is much more attractive, being asymmetrical so that it “looks different from every angle.” The chateau’s arched windows have led some to call it “the cheese grater,” but it does have the virtue of still looking modern today, more than 50 years after it opened. Continue reading

Indian Days Lunch Menu

In another good example of cross-advertising, this menu publicizes the Banff Indian Days festival to passengers aboard Canadian Pacific’s Great Lakes steamship Assiniboia (whose name itself is an effective advertisement for a mountain in the Canadian Pacific Rockies). The Assiniboia and sister ship Keewatin went from Fort William, on the west side of Lake Superior, to Port McNicoll, on Lake Huron, with a stop at Sault Ste. Marie.

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.
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The two ships were placed in service in 1908 and retired in 1967. Unfortunately, the Assiniboia burned in a fire but the Keewatin has been restored and is now a floating museum in Port McNicoll.

Canadian Teal Dinner Menu

Here’s a menu from the Chung collection that I had previously overlooked or ignored. The format is similar to a 1961 menu previously shown here, but the background color is teal instead of white.

Click image to download a 4.6-MB PDF of this menu from the University of British Columbia library.
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Both this menu and the 1961 menu list some of Canadian Pacific’s major passenger trains on the back covers. One difference is that the Dominion was not listed on the 1961 menu even though the train continued to operate until early in 1966, but only as a summer train.

Lake Louise 1950 Breakfast Menu

Like yesterday’s, this menu is hotel-sized, meaning about 7″x10-1/2″, compared with the dining-car-sized menus, which were 6-3/4″x9-1/2″. The cover photo occupies an unusually small portion of the front cover compared with dining car menus, so I doubt dining car patrons ever saw this picture on one of their menus.

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.
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The menu offers table d’hôte breakfasts for $1.50 (about US$12.25 today) whose entrées included eggs, omelettes, and of three kinds of fish, ham, bacon, sausage, or “minced chicken in cream.” The a la carte side has even more fish and many other entrées.

Princess Kathleen Menu

This 1950 menu showing the Princess Kathleen sailing from Vancouver to Victoria was used in the Empress Hotel. It’s a little larger than CP dining car menus from 1950, so this picture may not have appeared on a dining car menu. The menu is a little more varied than a dining car menu, of course, with nine table d’hôte entrées (plus two “light” salad entrées) and several more on the a la carte side.

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.
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Rare for a post-war menu, the cover illustration on this one is a painting rather than a photograph. The back explains that the painting was by “noted Vancouver Island water colorist” Owen Goward (1905-1983). Goward studied art at the Royal Academy in London and specialized in Canadian landscapes. Another painter named Owen Goward is still active and living in, I believe, California; it is possible that the two are related.

Taj Mahal Lunch Menu

In a classic example of cross-advertising, Canadian Pacific used this menu on a Toronto-Montreal pool train to promote its around-the-world cruises. CP’s ships in Atlantic service couldn’t operate between Montreal and Europe in the winter due to ice, so they used them for cruises to the Mediterranean, the West Indies, and one round-the-world tour each winter. The menu is undated but based on lamb chop prices it was used in 1936.

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.

“Each winter season Canadian Pacific sends its great ships speeding away from New York on cruises to sunshine seas and ports of the Old and New Worlds,” says the back of the menu. According to other menus we’ve seen, the round-the-world cruise on the Empress of Australia lasted 137 days and cost $2,000 (around US$25,000 in today’s money). Continue reading