West Indies Menus from 1936 & 1937

Most of the cruise menus presented here in the last few weeks have been for holidays ranging from Christmas to St. Patrick’s Day. The Chung collection has some ordinary menus from the 1936 and 1937 West Indies cruises aboard the Empress of Australia revealing that breakfast menus were cards and lunch and dinner menus were mostly in what I call the Charcoal Series of menus with Canadian Pacific hotels and ships on their covers. It may only be a coincidence, but the lunch menus had hotels on their covers while the dinner menus featured the Empress of Britain.

Click image to view and download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu from the Chung collection.

This breakfast menu from a 1936 cruise has an amazing variety of foods that would not be found on a dining car breakfast menu. Just as an example, there are 11 different fruits, nine different kinds of rolls, 11 different kinds of other breads, four different coffees (plus Postum, a coffee substitute), and nine kinds of tea. Continue reading

West Indies Cruises of the 1930s

As I have mentioned previously, the addition of the second Empress of Britain to Canadian Pacific’s ocean liner fleet in 1931 was a momentous enough occasion that I am using that year to divide the 1920s from the 1930s. The Chung collection has no West Indies cruise memorabilia for 1932, but it does have items from 1933 through 1939. Today’s post will present some booklets and brochures while menus will be covered tomorrow.

Click image to view and download a 3.2-MB PDF of this brochure from the Chung collection.

This 1933 brochure seems to be the only item in the Chung collection from the West Indies cruises that year. Two 28-day cruises were offered on the Duchess of Bedford from New York, one leaving January 7 and one leaving February 8. The minimum fare was $280, or $10 per day. Ten dollars is about $230 today, or a total of $6,500. Continue reading

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day, which is observed by the Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Eastern Orthodox churches, was as good a reason as any for a party on a lengthy ocean cruise. In 1932, when this menu was used, the Empress of Britain was in the middle of a four-day voyage from Hilo to San Francisco, so a holiday to relieve the boredom was no doubt welcomed.

Click image to view and download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu from the University of British Columbia Chung collection.

Unlike the Robert Burns birthday supper, which featured a traditional menu of Scottish foods, only a few items on this menu seem particularly Irish. Mostly, it is a typical eight-course meal that might be found any day on a Canadian Pacific ocean liner. Continue reading

Canadian Pacific’s Last World Cruise

In early 1938, Canadian Pacific thought that it could do a standard world cruise in 1939. But in July, increasing hostilities between Japan and the Soviet Union, as well as continuing troubles in China, led CP to revise the itinerary. The cruise would go to from Bangkok north to Hong Kong, then turn south again to the Philippines and Bali, then west to South Africa and South America. Not only would it not cross the Pacific Ocean, it would never even enter that ocean.

Click image to view and download a 111.8-MB PDF of this booklet from the University of British Columbia Chung collection. The Chung collection also has a smaller brochure.

The cover of the booklet advertising the cruise not only has a painting that wraps around the back, the back cover folds out to make an extra large picture. This extravagance served no purpose other than to display the large illustration that is signed “Simpson.” This refers to Charles Walter Simpson, a Canadian artist whose work for both CP and CN we’ve seen several times before. Continue reading

The 1938 World Cruise

Canadian Pacific’s 1938 world cruise was also its last true round-the-world cruise. It was 128 days long, three days longer than in 1937. Hilo and Havana were still off the itinerary, as in 1937, but the stay in Los Angeles had been extended from one day to two days and one night.

Click image to view and download a 98.8-MB PDF of this booklet from the University of British Columbia Chung collection, which also has a brief brochure advertising the cruise.

The cover of the booklet advertising the cruise features more than 100 dolls dressed in exotic clothes supposedly reminiscent of the places that would be visited on the cruise. Some of the dolls are dressed in Dutch, German, and Scottish styles even though the cruise didn’t visit those countries. Continue reading

The 1937 World Cruise

For 1937, Canadian Pacific cut the length of the cruise from 130 to 125 days. It deleted stops in Hilo, Hawaii, and Havana, Cuba, and reduced the length of the stay in Los Angeles from one-and-a-half days to just one day.

Click image to view and download a 74.7-MB PDF of this booklet from the University of British Columbia Chung collection, which also has a shorter brochure advertising the cruise.

The cover of the booklet advertising the 1937 cruise is reminiscent of the 1935 cover showing faux luggage stickers from various cruise destinations; this one instead shows letters and postage stamps mailed from various cruise destinations. The front and back covers of the 1935 and 1937 booklets don’t match up perfectly, but the 1937 one was close enough that I am showing front and back above. Continue reading

The 1936 World Cruise

Canadian Pacific’s 1936 world cruise was little changed from the previous couple of years. Leaving January 9 aboard the Empress of Britain, the cruise visited 31 ports in 130 days.

Click image to view and download a 64.0-MB PDF of this booklet from the University of British Columbia Chung collection.

The cover painting on this booklet advertising the cruise shows a Chinese girl dressed for a holiday. This is a detail from a painting in the 1926-27 world cruise booklet and was probably by Charles Greenwood or Gordon Gillespie. Continue reading

The 1935 World Cruise

The booklet advertising the 1935 world cruise featured faux luggage stickers, likely drawn by CP staff artists. The largest sticker on the back cover is for Angkor Wat, the Cambodian ruin that was an optional exclusion in both the 1934 and 1935 cruises. Members took a train to the ruin which was limited to just 70 passengers. This option cost $232.75, which is about $5,000 in today’s money.

Click image to view and download a 62.4-MB PDF of this booklet from the University of British Columbia Chung collection.

The Chung collection has two different booklets advertising the cruise. The above booklet is for North American passengers while the one below is for European passengers who would begin their trips in Monaco and end them in New York. As shown below, they could then continue to Southampton on the Empress of Britain. Continue reading

World Cruise of 1934

After the disastrous 1932-33 cruise, which attracted only 283 passengers, Canadian Pacific reduced all of the fares for its 1934 world cruise aboard the Empress of Britain by $150 to $250. The lowest fares dropped from $2,250 to $2,100, while the top fares dropped from $6,150 to $5,900. This increased the total number of passengers grew to 452. Since the same number of staff were used no matter how many passengers paid fares, more passengers meant more profits.

Click image to view and download a 61.3-MB PDF of this booklet from the University of British Columbia Chung collection.

The cover of the booklet advertising the 1934 world cruise features Goa Gajah, or the elephant cave, in Bali, a new stop on the cruise. The cruise was 130 days, or one day longer than the previous year, and stopped in three more port cities. Continue reading

The 1932-33 World Cruise

Leaving New York on December 3 and returning on April 11, the 1932-33 world cruise was 129 days long, two days longer than in 1931-32. The first 20 pages of the booklet below re-introduces us to the new Empress of Britain, including some rooms not shown in the introductory booklets. A library had walls of Circassian Walnut (but no bookshelves; apparently it was more of a writing room than a reading room). A movie theater was fully equipped to show “talkies.” Turkish baths aren’t shown but, the booklet says, were “decorated in marble and silver.”

Click image to view and download a 73.9-MB PDF of this booklet from the University of British Columbia Chung collection.

The cover of the booklet is signed GFG, meaning Gordon Fraser Gillespie, one of Canadian Pacific’s staff artists. He first began working on commission for CP in 1913 and in 1948 was placed in charge for all commercial art for the railroad. At some point between those two years he began working for CP full-time. I’ve previously stated that I suspect he and/or Charles James Greenwood, another staff artist, contributed many of the paintings to the 1926-27 world cruise booklet without getting any credit. I’m glad he got credit for this one. Continue reading