Trail Riding in the Rockies

This booklet is undated, but it refers to the completion of Going-to-the-Sun Road “this summer.” The Park Service says that it “celebrated the completion of the Going-to-the Sun Road on July 15, 1933,” so the booklet must date from 1932 or 1933. Its crisp black-and-white photos and detailed tour descriptions give an enticing view of hiking and horseback riding in the park. Though some of the lodges have closed, most if not all of the trails described in the booklet are still open today.

Click image to download a 21.9-MB PDF of this 32-page booklet.
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While the book lists many day trips, it is the longer trips that sound most intriguing. Trip costs ranged from $11 to $27 per person per day depending on the number of people in the party (the more people, the lower the cost per person). “A special guide and one cook, including their horses, are furnished parties of one or two persons, and for each additional three persons or any part of that number another helper is added,” the booklet says. These rates are about $150 to $375 per day in today’s dollars, which are pretty comparable to rates today.

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