No. 9 in the historic landmark series celebrates Coronado and his “quest” for gold in an Indian village in what is now Kansas. He had been promised gold by an Indian guide and ruthlessly murdered the guide when the promise was not kept. Coronado is now celebrated as a hero and the guide as a villain. The accompanying illustration is signed “Keil.”
Click image to download a 24.8-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.
The page after the centerfold map commemorates Springfield, Illinois’ state capitol. Alphabetically, Illinois was the next state shown on MP’s dining car service plates.
The inside front cover argues that it was “cheaper by far than driving your car” to “ride Eagle coaches.” It didn’t try to argue that going Pullman was cheaper than driving.
As in the past few timetables, the inside back cover shows freight schedules. The back cover shows both containers and piggy-back (i.e., trailers including wheels loaded on flatcars). Panels 59 and 60 has a map showing MP had cranes able to load and unload containers on flatcars in 16 cities ranging from Abilene to New Orleans and Harlingen to St. Louis. The ad also helpfully lists towns around each city served by Missouri Pacific trucks. Panels 61 to 64 shows that MP had piggy-back service to many more cities including some well outside of MP’s rail network.