The Florida East Coast in 1937

The stunning cover of this booklet (which was actually on the back cover, as was yesterday’s and in fact the three booklets before that) belies the fact that this is merely an update of yesterday’s booklet. However, it has been largely rewritten, the maps have been redrawn (though in the same style), and many of the photos are new.

Click image to download a 17.5-MB PDF of this 32-page booklet from the Touchton Map Library.

An interior photo of the recreation car shows people sitting on some flimsy-looking folding chairs around a card table playing bridge while in the background the “orchestra” plays music. The orchestra seems to consist of a guitar, a steel guitar, and a ukulele.

The Florida Special celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1937 by issuing this card featuring the recreation car. Click image for a larger view.

Unlike yesterday’s, this booklet doesn’t mention the Havana Special, Miamian, or any trains other than the Florida Special. Presumably, any trains that survived the Depression through 1936 would also survive through 1937. Perhaps the FEC just didn’t want to be favoring some trains or connecting railroads over others.

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