A Garden-Filled Victoria

Here’s another menu with a photo — different from the one on the menus shown a few days ago — of the gardens around Canadian Pacific’s Empress Hotel. This menu was actually used at the Empress Hotel and is a little larger in size (7″x11″) than most of CP’s dining car menus (which were typically 6-3/4″x9-3/4″).

Click image to download a 849-KB PDF of this menu.
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The lunch menu also offered a lot more items than a typical dining car menu of the day. Full meals came with a dozen entrĂ©es, including oyster stew, fresh crab, steak-and-kidney pudding, and honeycomb tripe. The a la carte side had many more entrĂ©es, from sole almandine to filet mignon. Multiply prices by eight to get today’s U.S. dollars.

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