Pennsylvania 1955 Calendar

Entire books have been written about Grif Teller‘s paintings for Pennsylvania Railroad calendars. Teller painted 27 of the calendars between 1928 and 1958, with Pennsylvania turning to other artists during the war years.

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Most if not all of the calendars were 28-1/2″x28-1/2″ with the art filling most of the space and a 6″-high calendar pad at the bottom. While all of the paintings were gorgeous, I especially appreciate this one showing some of the more than 30 trains, each pulled by a GG1 electric locomotive, bringing people to and from the Army-Navy football game that was usually held in Philadelphia. The Pennsy began offering this service in 1936 and the trains continued under Amtrak until sometime in the 2000s.
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To bring passengers to this one game each year, the railroad transformed a freight-only branch into “into a high volume passenger conduit to connect trains from all directions to the venue for just a single day,” says photographer Michael Froio. This made this “one of the most concentrated passenger operations in the United States,” offering 42 trains in 1941.

This calendar is a little too large to scan, so I took photos showing it with and without the small explanation page in the upper left corner. That page is barely readable in the photo.

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