GN Indian Painting Blotters

These four blotters feature Langdon Kihn or Winold Reiss paintings. Dates indicate they were issued monthly, but unlike some monthly blotters didn’t include a calendar.

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Dated April 1931, this one has a painting of a Blackfeet mother by Langdon Kihn. Even this small, it is clear that Kihn’s paintings are inferior to those of his teacher, Winold Reiss.

A Winold Reiss painting of Two Guns White Calf is on a blotter dated January 1932. Note that the typeface used for “The Empire Builder” and “Great Northern” has been changed to one designed by Reiss himself.
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A blotter with Mike Short Man is dated March, 1932.

This blotter featuring Good Striker is dated April, 1932.

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