Utah State Capitol Breakfast Menu

Here’s another in the series of Rio Grande post-war menus that use a color photo on the cover. We’ve seen previous ones from 1946 and 1947; this one is from 1948. I don’t think I mentioned it before, but the color photo on this one, at least, is printed on a thin sheet of white paper and glued to the cover of the menu.

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.
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The inside of the menu invites passengers to “Have a demi tasse of coffee with our compliments.” Demitasse literally means “half cup,” and while the term has come to mean “a small cup of strong coffee or espresso,” in 1948 they would have just served whatever regular coffee they had on hand. Anyone who accepted a demitasse probably went on to order a full pot (about two cups), which was 25 cents (about $2.50 today). Of course, since many of their passengers were Mormons, they wouldn’t be ordering coffee at all, so offering a free half cup was pretty safe.

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