1953 Children’s Menu

Burlington used this children’s menu for many years, and one variation (cover shown below) substituted the word “California” for “Burlington” on the cover. The back of the menu has some self-serving nursery rhymes (“Jack and Jill went up the hill, a silv’ry train to spy, Said he to her, “You saw that blur? The Zephyr just went by.”)

Click image to download a 0.6-MB PDF of this menu.

The menu itself was rather Spartan, at least in this edition. Breakfast was juice or cereal, egg, bacon, and wheat cakes, milk or cocoa for 50 cents (about $3.50 today). Lunch was hamburger & fries or peanut butter & jelly sandwich and a chocolate milk shake (about $5 today). Dinner was soup, fried fish, roast beef, or two drumsticks, pie or ice cream, and milk or cocoa for a dollar (about $7 today).
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1946 Texas Zephyr Dinner Menu

Here’s another menu dated January, 1946. By the date, the menu also has the letters “TZ,” which makes me think it was intended for use on the Texas Zephyr. If so, the menu doesn’t seem to emphasize any Texan or Southwest dishes. Although the back is the same as the previous two menus, the foods inside are as different from yesterday’s menu as yesterday’s was from the one the day before.

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this menu.

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Another 1946 Dinner Menu

This menu, like yesterday’s, is dated January, 1946, and it also has the same back cover as yesterday’s. So it is something of a surprise that the menu is so different inside. Like yesterday’s menu, this one features five table d’hôte meals ranging in price from $1.00 to $1.50. Though none of the five are also on yesterday’s, both have one omelet, one fish, one poultry, one beef, and one other entrée.

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Unlike yesterday’s menu, this one also has a full a la carte side, with whitefish, turkey, calves liver, three omelets, four sandwiches, and a full complement of salads, desserts, and beverages. Table d’hôte was definitely a better deal; replicating the $1.45 turkey dinner on the a la carte side would cost more than $2.25. Whoever made up Burlington’s 1946 menus seemed to be prone to typos: yesterday’s misspelled “julienne” and today’s spelled “holliday” with two Ls.

1946 Dinner Menu

The back cover of this January, 1946 menu advertises “America’s Distinctive Trains,” namely the Burlington Zephyrs. It says that “the Burlington Zephyrs now number more than a dozen,” and then lists exactly one dozen (but only if you count the Denver, Texas, and Twin Zephyrs as two trains each).

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.

Inside, the menu offers five different table d’hôte meals, ranging from scrambled eggs and ham for a dollar to pot roast for $1.50 (multiply by a bit more than 9 to get today’s dollars). Each meal includes soup or fruit cocktail, baked potato, “season’s fresh vegetable” (what was fresh in January?), “Waldorf Salad Juleinne” (sic), dessert, and beverage. The menu also had a “plate dinner” for $1 featuring “plantation short cake,” which was corn bread with ham, chicken, and gravy, along with juice, potato, vegetable, salad, dessert, and beverage. The a la carte side offered little more than soup, a couple of sandwiches, desserts, and beverages.

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1946 Lunch Menu

This menu has the same front cover (with the substitution of “Luncheon” for “Breakfast”) as yesterday’s, and the same back cover as well. Instead of advertising Burlington trains or destinations, the back cover is a 650-word editorial from the Association of American Railroads titled, “What does it cost to ship a ton a mile?”

Click image to download a 1.6-MB PDF of this menu.

The real question the editorial tries to answer is why does it cost more, per ton-mile, to ship some kinds of freight than others. The answer, it says, is that “Some freight is cheap, heavy, little subject to loss and damage. Some is valuable, light and bulky, difficult, risky and expensive to handle.” However, it undermines this argument by adding, “No one would suppose that charges should be the same on a ton of coal as on a ton of diamonds.” Why wouldn’t they? A ton of diamonds weighs just as much as a ton of coal, and diamonds are actually less fragile than coal.

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1945 Breakfast Menu

This menu is from the collection of the New York Public Library, which misdates it to 1943 based on a statement that the menu prices comply with Office of Price Administration regulations issued in that year. In fact, the menu is dated November, 1945, on page 2. The menu offers six full breakfasts that range in price from 50 cents to a dollar (about $5 to $10 today), as well as an a la carte section.

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While the library posts the menu in the form of individual pages, I’ve taken the liberty of turning them into a single PDF and OCRing them so you can search or copy-and-paste portions of the menu. I’ll post several of these menus in the next few days, giving me a break from scanning the long documents, such as Union Pacific and Burlington travel booklets, that I’ve posted in the last few weeks.

Vista Domes to California or Colorado

This brochure was apparently aimed at Minnesotans and Wisconsinites, as it included schedules and fares for taking one of the Twin Cities Zephyrs from the Twin Cities to Chicago, and then the Denver Zephyr to Colorado or California Zephyr to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Since the Morning Zephyr from the Twin Cities arrived in Chicago at 2:50 pm and the California Zephyr left at 3:10 pm, the brochure subtly encourages people to change trains at Aurora, Illinois, instead, allowing an hour and 40 minutes to transfer people and luggage rather than just 20 minutes.

Click image to download a 1.4-MB PDF of this brochure.

There’s no date on this brochure, but it is presumably from around 1966, as when folded it has the same dimensions as yesterday’s Colorado brochure. If so, then the quoted fare from the Twin Cities to Denver of $61.30 translates to about $340 today. Fares to San Francisco were about double that.

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Colorful Colorado 1966

This brochure describes an 8-day (really, 7-day) tour from Chicago to Colorado. Two nights are spent aboard the Denver Zephyr, two nights in Rocky Mountain National Park, and three nights in Colorado Springs. This was an “independent tour” rather than an escorted tour, but the price included all transportation, accommodations, meals, and entry fees into the various parks and museums.

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The “standard fare” for this tour is $178.58 (nearly $1,000 today), while the “de luxe tour” is $251.85 (close to $1,400 today). The standard tour presumably went coach, while people paying the de luxe rate got a roomette. Hotel accommodations were probably similar; standard probably shared a bath while de luxe got a private bath. These prices were for single occupancy; two people sharing a room could each save about $15 on the standard tour and $25 on the de luxe.

Fall Foliage Tours to Colorado

I call this a brochure, but it is probably really intended for use as a poster. It folds into eight panels like many brochures, but it is printed only on one side, like a poster.

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The poster advertised two 1965 tours to Colorado. One left Chicago on Friday, September 17, arriving Denver the next morning on the Denver Zephyr. From there the tour took a bus to Aspen, where they spent two nights, returning to Denver Monday and Chicago Tuesday morning. The second tour started Friday, October 1, and followed a similar itinerary except spending two nights in Colorado Springs rather than Aspen. For $70 (about $400 today), the tours included coach and bus fares, hotels, and most meals (but apparently not Friday dinner on the train, Sunday lunch, or Tuesday breakfast on the train).

Mississippi Valley Tours

Burlington offered Chicago residents three one- and two-day tours every weekend during the summer of 1964. One tour went 239 miles up the Mississippi River on the Twin Zephyrs to Prairie du Chien, where passengers had about 6-1/2 hours to enjoy various parks and museums highlighted by a boat tour through Spook Cave, the “longest subterranean water tour in America.” This cost $16.35 (nearly $100 today), including transportation, lunch, dinner, and various park entry fees.

Click image to download a 4.0-MB PDF of this brochure.

A second one-day tour went just 184 miles to East Dubuque, allowing passengers more than eight hours to enjoy a paddle-wheel cruise and various parks and historic sites. This tour cost just $12.90 (about $75 today), including transportation, a bus tour, the boat cruise, lunch, and dinner.

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