New Year’s Day 1946 Lunch Menu

Soon after the war, Santa Fe/Fred Harvey began using menus with colorful paintings on their covers. But in 1946 their menu covers were plain, with little more decoration than the name of the train and a Santa Fe logo. This menu is actually unusual for the time period because of the traditional illustration of the Old Year passing the torch to the New. The letters below the illustration are embossed into the paper, as is barely visible on page 2 of the PDF.

Click image to download a 604-KB PDF of this menu.

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Jasper in 1951

We’ve already seen the 1950 edition of CN’s Jasper booklet. This one follows a similar outline, but many of the photos are different, and even where they are the same, the text has been rewritten.

Click image to download a 27.1-MB PDF of this 46-page booklet.

“The heart of this great national park is the town of Jasper, administration headquarters and railway centre, and — about three miles away — the Canadian National Railways famous summer hotel, Jasper Park Lodge,” says the 1950 booklet. “The Lodge is a big hotel. It has accommodation for 650 guests. But it has no elevators. It doesn’t need them, because it has no second storey. Indeed, the Lodge isn’t a building at all — it is a village of bungalows.” Continue reading

The Jasper Way Through the Rockies

In 1948, Canadian Pacific published a 28-page booklet, By Train Through the Canadian Rockies. Printed on stiff paper, the booklet is filled with detailed maps and photos of the rail line showing mountains, rivers, and towns from the Alberta foothills of the Rockies to Kamloops, BC, west of which the line followed a water-level route to Vancouver. As if in response, in 1950 Canadian National issued this booklet providing similar maps from the entrance to Jasper National Park all the way to Vancouver, as well as maps of the former Grand Trunk Pacific line to Prince Rupert.

Click image to download a 10.0-MB PDF of this brochure.

Parks Canada has a almost identical booklet dated 1951 and has one with a different cover and some different interior photos dated 1955. I haven’t found any CN booklets dated before 1950, suggesting that it was imitating its competitor in providing this sort of information. Continue reading

Dinner on the Prince George

Here’s another colorful dinner menu featuring a glacier that was supposedly visible from the Prince George. This menu has the same date, July 13, as yesterday’s lunch and the day-before-yesterday’s breakfast menu. As I noted with the breakfast menu, on July 13, 1950, the Prince George was headed southbound and would have stopped in Wrangell, Alaska, in the afternoon.

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.
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The Prince George almost certainly never came as close to a glacier as the ship in the picture. Today, we often see photos of cruise ships in Glacier Bay, but the ships rarely come closer than a half mile from the glaciers, and in any case Glacier Bay isn’t on the route from Skagway to Vancouver. However, there is nothing to say that the ship in the picture is actually the Prince George; in 1950, as today, there were plenty of smaller boats and ships willing to take Alaska tourists to see the glaciers.

Lunch on the Prince George

Like yesterday’s breakfast menu, the lunch menu on the Prince George was also presented on a card. This one shows a row of totem poles in Kitwanga, British Columbia. Kitwanga has fewer than 500 people but still has a row of totem poles looking remarkably like the ones on the menu.

Click image to download a 481-KB PDF of this menu.
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With foods such as English pickled walnuts, chicken a la Maryland, and cod steak, this menu seems to be catering to eastern North Americans rather than giving a taste of the Pacific Coast. Canadian Pacific at least offered Alaska dishes such as halibut or salmon on its tiffin or lunch menus.

Breakfast on the Prince George

This breakfast menu card advertises Canadian National’s Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg, Fort Garry being the name of the original settlement that became Winnipeg. The menu has the usual egg-and-meat dishes plus a few unusual (by today’s standards) items such as calf’s liver and finnan haddie. Omelette aux Champignons sounds unusual but it’s just a mushroom omelet.

Click image to download a 430-KB PDF of this menu.

Zinc- Testosterone level is said commander cialis to be male hormone and also responsible for the quality of erections in the bed, buy Kamagra to see the effects on your sexual health. Sometimes it seems temporary with sensation coming back slowly after ending order levitra canada use. It is however quicker and cheapest viagra generic cost effective as compared to the alternatives. It is a critical condition that does not allow men to an ultimate penetration during pharmacy on line viagra a lovemaking session. Yesterday’s dinner menu was dated July 9, 1950 while this breakfast menu is dated July 13. I don’t have a 1950 Canadian National timetable, but someone has uploaded one to Scribed. Continue reading

California Zephyr Christmas Table Card

California Zephyr passengers were greeted with this card on their tables when they sat down to eat in the dining car. Note that the printing uses green ink but they took the trouble to print one letter in red, giving the card a slightly more festive look. A third color, silver, embellishes the train, even the locomotives which were, in reality, orange.

Click image to download a 634-KB PDF of this card.

The locomotives would have been silver when the train was on the Burlington, but this image is based on a postcard showing the train on the Rio Grande Railroad in western Colorado. We’ve seen the postcard before but I’m repeating it below for comparison. Continue reading

James Whitcomb Riley Holiday Menu

Now here’s a holiday menu; the Northern Pacific should have taken note. “Season’s Greetings” emblazoned on the cover with a beautiful winter scene of a Hudson Valley house that happens to have been the home of Washington Irving puts diners in a holiday spirit without excluding any Jewish or other non-Christian passengers. The back cover continues the theme with an excerpt from a Christmas letter from Irving to his niece, who was living in the house while Irving was acting as United States’ minister to Spain.

Click image to download a 934-KB PDF of this menu.
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The menu inside isn’t particularly Christmasy, but like the NP menu does offer roast turkey with cranberry sauce and candied yams. The price in 1950 was $2.50, which is $27 in today’s dollars — a little less than NP’s 1967 price, but New York Central’s menu included dessert. What kind of a Scrooge was running NP in 1967 that they excluded dessert from a holiday dinner?

Northern Pacific 1967 Holiday Menu

Here is Northern Pacific’s rather pathetic attempt at a “holiday menu” in 1967. We’ve seen this menu cover before. Inside, the menu has no holiday decorations but claims in large letters that it is a “Holiday Menu.” The menu says that it was for “Noon to 9:30 pm.” Does that mean NP didn’t bother to issue a separate lunch menu?

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.

As I’ve noted before, in many respects the Northern Pacific comes up lacking when compared with its competitors. Great Northern cut the Chicago-Seattle time for its fully streamlined 1947 Empire Builder to 44 hours, and the Milwaukee Road soon matched it. Northern Pacific took years more to fully streamline the North Coast Limited and didn’t get down to a 44-hour schedule until the early 1950s. Continue reading

Prince George Dinner Menu

The Prince George itself (herself? himself? Ships are supposed to have feminine pronouns but it feels strange to call a ship named after a man “her”) is prominently featured on this colorful dinner menu cover. Of course, it was also on other menus in these series, but usually much smaller.

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this menu.

I’m a sucker for color, but I especially like the way this menu series sometimes uses a different color for each letter in the word “Alaska.” It and the blue skies shown on the cover give a festive feel to the trip which it sometimes might have been difficult for crews to sustain considering southeast Alaska was under clouds much of the time. Continue reading