Welcome Aboard the Prince George

This 1950 booklet has the same cover, with a different color scheme and photo on the back, as the 1937 booklet shown here a few weeks ago. CN apparently used different colors on its covers each year: for example, blue in 1951 and orange in 1952.

Click image to download a 8.3-MB PDF of this 36-page booklet.
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By 1950, of course, CN no longer owned two of the three ships described in the 1937 booklet. The third ship, Prince Rupert, was used for secondary service, going only as far as Ketchikan. This booklet, therefore, focuses on the new Prince George. This reduces the page count somewhat, and the along-the-way portion of the booklet is also shorter, allowing it to fit in 36 pages instead of the 48 used in 1937.

Alaska and the Yukon via the Prince George

Maybe I’m just a sucker for illustrations with sun-drenched colors, but I find this to be one of the more beautiful booklets used in railroad advertising (albeit one that is advertising a steamship). It is almost on a par with Rock Island’s Garden of Allah except CN marred this one by including some actual black-and-white photos.

Click image to download an 7.7-MB PDF of this menu.

While the booklet is designed to be folded to a Canadian standard 8-1/4″x9-1/4″ size, it unfolds so that each page is actually 16-1/2″ wide. Unfortunately, they didn’t take advantage of this except on the front cover; other color illustrations are 8-1/4″x9-1/4″ or smaller. Continue reading

Percé Rock Dinner Menu

Percé Rock gets its name from a 50-foot-high arch that has been carved into the rock by the ocean. The rock once had two arches, but the second one collapsed in 1845. Unfortunately, the arch doesn’t appear in the photograph of the rock on the cover of this menu.

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this menu.

Canadian National’s Gaspé peninsula route from Matapedia to Gaspé, which goes through Percé, is considered one of the most beautiful in Canada. I rode a VIA train on this route a couple of decades ago, but VIA stopped running it in 2013 due to poor track conditions. Continue reading

Western Canada 1949 Menu

This menu cover uses artwork in a style the same as the British Columbia logging menu presented here a couple of days ago. The children give it a “cute” factor not found on the timber menu.

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this menu.
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This one also represents “western Canada” instead of just one province. The back cover explains that western Canada refers to Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Apparently, CN marketing couldn’t think of anything except wheat to represent all three provinces, although the back cover also shows cattle.

Columbia Ice Field Menu Cards

These Jasper Lodge menu cards were used for dinners in 1948. The first shows the Columbia Icefield, which is roughly halfway between Jasper and Lake Louise and thus an attraction for both CN and CP passengers.

Click image to download a 6.5-MB PDF of this menu.

The five-course dinners at Jasper Lodge were included in the price of the rooms. Entrées listed on this menu, which is dated July 28, included sliced eggs on rice pilaff, broiled salmon, chicken fricassee, veal cutlet, roast beef, and cold ham and turkey. The meal also included a choice of three appetizers, three soups, two vegetables, three styles of potatoes, asparagus tips salad, and any of five desserts. Continue reading

SS Lady Nelson Lunch Menu

This menu cover pictures the Lady Nelson, one of five “Lady” boats the Canadian National had built in 1928 and 1929 to provide service between Montreal and the West Indies. All of them were pressed into troop carrier service during World War II, and all but Lady Rodney were sunk by torpedoes. The Lady Nelson was in port when it sank, so it was salvaged, repaired, and continued to serve through the end of the war.

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.

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British Columbia Logging

This beautifully illustrated cover represents the British Columbia timber industry. Logging would become environmentally controversial in a few decades, but in 1946, when this menu was issued, it was a symbol of wealth and industrial power. “British Columbians,” said one B.C. forestry minister, “are the hewers of wood and drawers of water” for the rest of western Canada. Apparently, he didn’t realize how demeaning that was in a biblical context.

Click image to download a 1.6-MB PDF of this menu.
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Nevertheless, this unsigned menu cover is quite attractive. It appears to be part of a series: I’ve seen similar menus for Ontario (showing Niagara Falls), the Rocky Mountains (showing CN’s Continental steaming through a river valley), and the middle provinces (showing a wheat field). This particular menu is a la carte but comes with a table d’hôte insert.

1946 CN Children’s Menu

In addition to offering reduced portions at a lower cost than adult menus, children’s menus are often designed to entertain their audiences while they are waiting for food. I’ve noted recently that some don’t do a very good job at this.

Click image to download a 1.7-MB PDF of this 8-page menu.

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Rediscover Jasper in 1946

This brochure — not a booklet — encouraged people to return to Jasper after the four years of travel restrictions imposed by the war. In addition to the two color photos on the cover, the brochure includes ten black-and-white photos and information about the lodge, scenic drives, saddle trips, and all-expense tours.

Click image to download a 2.6-MB PDF of this brochure.
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The brochure has the same space as 6 pages of the 52-page booklets issued up until 1941. What’s missing is detailed information on tours and trips, including their cost and the time they would take. The first booklet I have after the war is dated 1948, but CN probably issued one in 1947 if not 1946.

Jasper 1941 Booklet

The 1941 edition of Canadian National’s Jasper booklet has ten color photos, plus the one on the cover. That’s a step up from the seven photos (including the cover) on the 1940 edition, which was shown here five years ago. At least three of the color photos were used in both booklets, plus a photo of Maligne Lake was used in the 1938 and 1939 booklets, but not 1940. Many of the black-and-white photos are repeated from previous booklets.

Click image to download a 25.3-MB PDF of this 54-page booklet.
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This booklet also shares a fold-out map of Jasper Park and the Jasper Lodge area with the 1940 booklet, as well as many of the later booklets. Because this map is glued in, I would have to fold it to scan both sides. I confess that instead of doing so I used the scans from the 1940 booklet. Unfortunately, that also meant using the 1940 scans of the list of agents on the inside back cover, which is slightly different from the list in the 1941 booklet. I hope this inaccuracy is not a problem.