Even More 1958 Café Dinner Menus

The menu sides of these items are all identical to yesterday’s, while the cover photos are all ones we have seen before.

Click image to download a 1.7-MB PDF of this menu.

This photo of aspens in Rocky Mountain National Park was also on a 1960 dinner menu that was used for Minnesota Gopher fans on their way to the 1961 Rose Bowl.

Click image to download a 2.1-MB PDF of this menu.

This image was used on another 1958 cafe-lounge dinner menu dated August, 1958, whereas the ones presented today are all dated September. Except for the one-month separation, they otherwise appear to be identical.

Click image to download a 1.8-MB PDF of this menu.

Finally, this photo was used on a 1957 dinner menu used for fans of Ohio State University on their way to the 1958 Rose Bowl.

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