This 32-page booklet includes numerous full-color photos of sights and destinations along the route of the Canadian Pacific. As an along-the-way route guide, it is designed for eastbound travel; instead of just saying, “Westbound travelers should read this from back to front” as some railroads did, CP published a separate guide for travelers going in the other direction that I’ll post here soon.
Click image to download a 24.0-MB PDF of this booklet.
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The booklet is undated, but the back cover promises that Canadian Pacific’s new fleet of stainless steel passenger cars “will be in service in 1955,” so it must date from 1955 or possibly 1954. The blue-themed front and back covers run counter to Canadian Pacific’s preference for yellow with red trim. However, inside nearly every page is bordered by abstract maps showing cities long the route with yellow background and red for the rail line and cities.