Rock Island May 1954 Timetable

The front page ad on this edition promotes not only the Golden State and Rocky Mountain Rocket but also the Twin Star Rocket, which went between the Twin Cities (in the North Star state) and Houston (in the Lone Star state). “If the cool North Woods of Wisconsin-Minnesota are calling and your geographical location permits you to ride it,” says the ad, “then we know of no finer train to recommend than the Twin Star Rocket.”

Click image to download a 20.8-MB PDF of this 36-page timetable.

What great advertising copy! “If your geographical location permits you to ride it,” it’s a great train, otherwise “we” wouldn’t recommend it. It seems like that caveat would apply to every train, but Northwest railroads urged people in Chicago to take their lines to California even though it added a day to their trips. Perhaps the Rock Island, like the Macy’s sales people in Miracle on 34th Street, was trying to impress customers by being more honest.

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