Fishing in Jasper 1949 Lunch Menu

This menu was used on the same trip of the American Association of Railroad Ticket Agents as yesterday’s. While the back of yesterday’s menu noted that hunting was illegal in Jasper Park, this one points out that fishing was “not only permitted but it is encouraged” partly by a government fish hatchery that stocked many of the park’s lakes.

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.

A close look at the cover photo indicates that the women in the canoe don’t appear to be fishing; they are merely paddling on Lac Beauvert. Fishing is mentioned only on the back of the menu.

While yesterday’s menu was priced at $2, today’s is $2.50, though there is no reason why the price should have been different. The entrées appear comparable: fillet of sole, tomato omelet, minced beef steak, or pork tenderloin, as do the appetizers, potatoes, veggies, desserts, and other items. A 50¢ increase doesn’t sound like much but in today’s money it’s about US$5.

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