Denver Civic Center Dinner Menu

Here’s the first new Union Pacific wraparound color photo menu I’ve identified since this one, which I posted in August 2020 but found in July. At that time, that was the first new one I had seen since in more than a year.

Click image to download a 1.2-MB PDF of this menu.

I am chagrinned to say that I may have encountered this menu several times before, but it looks so much like the one below that I may have presumed I already had one. As a comparison shows, the one above (which is dated 1957) is taken from a different spot where the low wall in the foreground of the one below (which is dated 1955) isn’t visible.

Click image to go to the web page describing this menu.

As with most Union Pacific menus with photos of Denver, both of these menus were used on the City of Denver. It is hard to imagine why Union Pacific issued two menus with such similar photos just a couple of years apart. It sometimes updated photos when the cars, hair styles, or something else in a menu cover photo looked dated, but that isn’t a problem with these photos.

This brings the total number of post-war Union Pacific color wraparound photo menus identified here to 130. That doesn’t count another 15 menus with color photos that don’t wrap around to the back. Somehow 130 is a more satisfying number than 129, but there is no reason to expect that, over 25 years, the railroad would issue a number of menus that is divisible by 10. Perhaps by next year I’ll have found a 131st menu in this series.

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