Great Northern 1968 Calendar

Great Northern issued calendars with two different photos in 1968, but it wasn’t planned that way. After this calendar was printed up and distributed, someone in Great Northern’s headquarters noticed that it looked like one of the boys in the field was peeing at the time the photo was snapped. The company hastily printed up a new calendar and attempted to recall the old one, but judging from the number sold on ebay, the recall wasn’t very successful.

Click image to download a 1.5-MB PDF of this calendar.

Of course, the figures are so small it is impossible to tell whether the boy is actually peeing or just had his hand in an unfortunate position when the photo was taken. I suspect the latter was the case, but you can judge for yourself in the close-up below.
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This is the smaller size of GN calendar (20″x26″ instead of 26″x42″), so the above image is a scan rather than a photo.

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