Southern Railway October 1966 Timetable

The Southern had three different trains between Washington and New Orleans in 1966, each following different routes. The Crescent and the Southerner each went through Atlanta, but the former went through Montgomery and the latter Birmingham. The Pelican went through Chattanooga instead of Atlanta, then through Birmingham to New Orleans. The Crescent and the Southerner are the only trains in the timetable advertised as streamlined, suggesting that at least some of the cars on the other trains were heavyweights.

Click image to download a 15.1-MB PDF of this 20-page timetable.

Other named trains in 1966 included the Washington-Atlanta Peach Queen, Washington-Salisbury NC Piedmont Limited, Greensboro-Asheville Asheville Special, Washington-Birmingham (via Chattanooga) Birmingham Special, Chattanooga-Memphis Tennesseean, Cincinnati-Greenboro Carolina Special, Cincinnati-Atlanta Ponce de Leon, and Cincinnati-Valdosta Royal Palm. Many of the trains to Washington continued to New York on the Pennsylvania Railroad.

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Click image to download a 200-KB PDF of this ticket.

Above is an unused ticket from the Southerner. Since this train name was discontinued in 1970, the ticket would have to come from before that year.

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