Canadian National April 1955 Timetable

Canadian National’s streamlined Super Continental was inaugurated on April 24, 1955, which just happened to be the day this timetable went into effect. The back cover ad brags that the train was “Dieselized all the way” and that it provided “faster service,” taking 70-3/4 hours from Toronto to Vancouver and 73-1/3 hours from Montreal to Vancouver. Meanwhile, its predecessor, the Continental, “will continue to operate on an improved schedule.”

Click image to download a 56.2-MB PDF of this 88-page timetable.

The ad didn’t say so, but the Super Continental saved more than 12 hours on the Toronto-Vancouver route and more than 14 hours between Montreal and Vancouver. As shown in yesterday’s timetable, the 1954 Continental was really two completely separate trains: trains 1 & 2 went between Montreal and Vancouver while 3 & 4 did the Toronto-Vancouver route, running about an hour earlier westbound and an hour later eastbound. Continue reading

Canadian National November 1954 Timetable

Like the 1949 timetable shown here a few days ago, this one has 88 pages. CN would continue to publish 88-page timetables for about another year.

Click image to download a 57.1-MB PDF of this 88-page timetable.

The back cover advertises CN’s premiere transcontinental train, the Continental Limited. While the train consisted mostly of heavyweight equipment, the ad mentions roomettes, duplex roomettes, and coaches with roller-bearings, suggesting that at least some cars were either lightweights or were heavyweights upgraded with more modern features. The train’s equipment list on page 3 indicates most of the cars went either between Montreal and Winnipeg or between Winnipeg and Vancouver or other western points, suggesting that it was really two different trains with a couple of through sleeping cars but no through coaches — coach passengers had to change in Winnipeg. Continue reading

More Jasper Lodge Golf Menus

Here are a couple of menus whose cover pictures we’ve seen before. First is one showing golfers at the 14th tee, which is on a peninsula in Lac Beauvert. Previously we’ve seen a 1954 lunch menu with this photo; this one is from 1951.

Click image to download a 765-KB PDF of this menu contributed by Brian Leiteritz.

While the 1954 menu offered a choice of eight different entrées, this one has nine. Both of them offered jumbo whitefish, cold salmon, chicken sandwich, and lettuce & asparagus salad, while the other four items were different. Continue reading

Pictou Lodge Dinner Menu

Nova Scotia’s Pictou Lodge was built in 1926 and quickly purchased by Canadian National, which operated it as a summer resort. The hotel still existed through 2022, but sadly it was “permanently closed” due to 2022 damage from Hurricane Fiona.

Click image to download a 519-KB PDF of this menu.

This 1951 dinner menu included eight entrées, including four kinds of fish: salmon, shad, halibut, and lobster salad. In case that wasn’t enough, the menu came with a “special today” of pan fried fresh haddock.

Meals on Wheels in 1950

In about 1949, some dunderhead at CN replaced the beautiful photographs that graced many of the railroad’s dining car menus with a boring geometric design and an interior theme of “meals on wheels.” I previously called a 1949 breakfast menu “the most-boring dining car menu cover of the post-war era,” but today’s is even more boring because it replaced the deep green of the 1949 edition with a gray that is so light that the boring geometric design is barely visible.

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this menu.

Inside, the a la carte menu comes with a table d’hôte insert that offered meals for $1.35, $1.75, or $2.00 (multiply by about 10 to get today’s U.S. dollars). The $1.35 meal is just a salad with bread, one side dish, and beverage. The $1.75 entry is a full meal but the only entrée is fish. For $2.00, diners had a choice of trout, omelet, beef ribs, or cold meats. The $2.00 dinner also came with soup and dessert while the $1.75 one gave a choice between the two.

Canadian National April 1949 Timetable

At 88 pages, this is one of the longest timetables I’ve ever seen, matched only by other Canadian National timetables of the 1940s and early 1950s. This might be expected as Canadian National bragged that it was North America’s largest railway. Despite Canada’s thinner population, CN provided more passenger services than the Pennsylvania, Chicago & North Western, and Union Pacific railroads put together.

Click image to download a 59.9-MB PDF of this 88-page timetable.

This timetable has tables for more than 300 different routes, many of them served by multiple passenger trains. For comparison, Pennsylvania’s 1949 timetables had 49 tables; Chicago & North Western’s had about 100; and Union Pacific’s had about 80 (not counting freight-only routes, bus routes, and connecting lines on other railroads). Canadian National’s service was so extensive that the index of city and town railroad stations filled eight entire pages with tiny type. Continue reading

Where Old and New Worlds Meet

This is part of the same menu series as yesterday’s Rocky Mountains menu. The CN menu series page also shows menu covers for British Columbia, western Canada, Ontario, and the Maritimes, so I speculated that there must be one in the series for Quebec. Thanks to Brian Leiteritz, now only the Maritimes menu is missing.

Click image to download a 1.5-MB PDF of this menu.

The menu calls Quebec “the land of contrasts,” and it would have to be. As the largest of Canada’s provinces, it is almost as big as Alaska and well over twice as big as Texas. Unfortunately, the artist who painted these covers is unnamed. Inside is a standard a la carte menu dated 1948.

Steaming by a Moose

The Canadian National menu series page lists this as a “missing menu.” Fortunately, Brian Leiteritz was able to fill in the gap.

Click image to download a 1.4-MB PDF of this menu.

The menus in this series — British Columbia, western Canada, Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes — all appear to have been used in 1948 and 1949. This one is dated 1948. As an a la carte menu, it doesn’t offer much new information about on-board dining. It is worth noting that only this menu and the one for western Canada show a CN steam-powered passenger train in the background.

Jasper Golf Course and Pyramid Mountain

Here’s a Jasper Lodge menu we haven’t seen before. It shows a golfer taking a second or third shot to the green. Jasper’s golf course was designed by Stanley Thompson, who designed a total of 178 golf courses, mostly in Canada but also the U.S. and three other countries. His most notable courses were probably those in Canadian national parks.

Click image to download a 545-KB PDF of this menu.

Jasper’s sprawling golf course is rated one of the top five — some say top three — in Canada, partly because each fairway gives a different view of the mountains and/or Lac Beauvert. Fairmont has recently restored Jasper’s golf course to its initial layout as designed by Thompson. Based on that layout, the fairway in the menu’s photo is for the 18th hole, which is a par 4. Continue reading

CN Alaska Service Dinner Menus

We’ve seen these menu covers before, but they came with the breakfast menus presented here yesterday so I’m showing them here since the interiors are different. Like yesterday’s menus, these were used during wartime, so they provide a contrast with CN’s Alaska steamship menus during peacetime.

Click image to download a 506-KB PDF of this menu.

The first difference is that the peacetime menus generally had a music programme on the left side of the menu, but these (and other wartime menus we’ve seen here previously) do not. Apparently, many of the musicians who played on board CN steamships before the war had been called up to service. In place of a musical programme, these menus printed a notice that due to “government regulation” CN had discontinued afternoon teas and night suppers aboard its steamships. Continue reading