City of San Francisco Dinner Menus

The cover of this menu shows Nob Hill in San Francisco. The description doesn’t say so, but the red building on the right is the Huntington Hotel; the large building in the center is the Mark Hopkins Hotel; and the small building peeking from behind the Mark Hopkins is the Stanford Court Hotel. Huntington, Hopkins, and Stanford were three of the “Big Four” founders of the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific railroads, and all three (plus the fourth, Charles Crocker) built giant mansions on Nob Hill.

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After the Big Four’s deaths, all of the mansions were destroyed by the fire that followed the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, and the hotels were built in their places (except the Huntington was built across the street from the site of his mansion, which is now a park). The red building on the left is the only mansion to survive the fire; it is now the Pacific Union Club. The building behind the Pacific Union Club is the Fairmont Hotel, which was under construction when the earthquake hit.

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City of San Francisco Lunch Menus

This 1958 lunch menu has a marvelously colorful cover. Like yesterday’s breakfast menu, the menu inside has a wide range of offerings. Complete meals include fried or grilled fish; hot turkey sandwich; omelet with minced ham; baked beans and sausages; and a chef’s salad.

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Six different entrĂ©es are on the a la carte side, including trout; “other fresh fish”; broiled chicken; lamb chops; ham; and sardines. There are also at least three soups; three salads; four appetizers; and five desserts. The “other fresh fish” is $1.75 (about $14 today) on the a la carte side and 35 cents (about $3 today) more as a complete meal with string beans; whipped potatoes; rolls; and a beverage. Since those additions are valued at about $1.25 on the a la carte side, the complete meals are a good deal–if you like whipped potatoes.

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City of San Francisco Breakfast Menu

The Union Pacific seemed to have complete control over the menus of the City of Los Angeles and City of Portland even though these trains also went over the Chicago & North Western (before 1955) and Milwaukee Road (after 1955). But the City of San Francisco was another story, one over which the Southern Pacific seemed to have more influence.

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The Union Pacific never hesitated, for example, to put Mt. Rainier on the cover of a City of Los Angeles menu or Disneyland on the cover of a City of Portland menu. But City of San Francisco menus all seemed to have scenes from San Francisco on their covers.
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Texas Chief Dinner Menu

This menu was issued the same day in 1961 as yesterday’s lunch menu. Like the lunch menu, the painting on the cover is by E. Irving Couse and this time depicts a Hopi Indian making an arrow.

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A color version of this painting, taken from the Santa Fe’s 1932 calendar, is below. The little Santa Fe logo in the lower left corner was added to the calendar version by the railway.

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Texas Chief Lunch Menu

Between 1892 and about 1960, the Santa Fe Railway acquired more than 600 paintings, mostly of the Grand Canyon and Southwest Indians, by scores of fine artists. Beginning in 1907, the railway used many of these paintings on its annual calendars, and starting as early as 1910, it also used them on its menus.

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One of the railway’s favorite painters was Eanger Irving Couse, whose paintings graced nearly two dozen Santa Fe calendars between 1914 and 1938. Couse was born on a Michigan farm, and after studying art in New York and Paris, settled in Taos, New Mexico, where a colony of artists interpreted the Southwest Indian way of life.

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Post-Centennial Dinner Menu

This 1971 dinner menu was printed for the City of Portland. Appropriately enough, it features a Fogg painting of a train in the Columbia River Gorge. But the railroad in the painting actually precedes the Union Pacific by several decades.

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This 1872 scene shows a portage railroad used to get around some rapids between Portland and modern-day Hood River. As of 1872, the railroad was owned by the Oregon Steam Navigation Company. As the rail line was extended east and west, the company changed its name in 1879 to Oregon Railway and Navigation Company. By 1883, the railway was under the control of Henry Villard, who also controlled the Northern Pacific, and he joined them together to give the latter road access to Portland.

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Post-Centennial Lunch Menu

After 1969, the Union Pacific went back to its photo menus for most meals, but–perhaps using up leftover stock–continued to use Fogg menus from time to time. Here is a 1971 lunch menu featuring a painting of a steamboat used to ferry cars across the Missouri River until construction of the bridge in the background is completed.

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Despite raging inflation–a 1971 dollar was worth only about 90 percent of a 1969 dollar–the menu prices are the same as the 1969 lunch menu. The only difference I can see is that a Spanish omelet has replaced the roast turkey meal. Personally, I prefer the turkey.

Another Centennial Breakfast Menu

Here’s another breakfast menu featuring a Howard Fogg portrait, this time of two modern freight trains meeting in Utah’s Weber Canyon. As near as I can tell, the menu itself is identical to the one with the Last Spike cover; both are dated May, 1969.

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Click image to download a 3.7-MB pdf of this menu.

Centennial Lunch Menu

Here’s a City of Los Angeles lunch menu featuring the Howard Fogg portrait of a domeliner. Judging from the vegetation in the picture, which looks like Joshua Tree National Monument, the train was probably the City of Los Angeles.

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The menu features five “luncheon suggestions” including fried shrimp; roast turkey; salisbury steak; club sandwich; and chef’s salad, ranging in price from $2.35 to $2.70 (about $15 to $17 today). The a la carte menu includes some of the items that were on yesterday’s breakfast menu, including lamb chops (at $3.50, or $22 in today’s money, the most expensive thing on the menu); grilled fish; and brook trout; plus at least seven sandwiches and a cold salmon plate.

COLA Centennial Breakfast Menu

To celebrate the centennial of the joining of the first transcontinental railroad, Union Pacific commissioned sixteen paintings from the then-preeminent railroad painter, Howard Fogg. The paintings ranged historically from the Last Spike ceremony to modern domeliner and freight trains.

Click image to download a 3.7-MB PDF of this menu.

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