Santa Fe 1977 Calendar

In 1977, Santa Fe was out of the passenger business but still doing car maintenance work for Amtrak. It sometimes adding pieces of southwest Indian art to passenger car decor, much to Amtrak’s annoyance as the company wanted all of its cars to be as generic as possible so they could go anywhere within the system.

Click image to download a 2.9-MB PDF of this calendar.
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Anyway, Santa Fe also continued to publish annual calendars featuring one of the pieces of artwork that it had purchased decades before in an effort to both promote the Taos art colony as well as tourism to the Southwest. The painting in this calendar is by E. Martin Hemmings (1886-1956), who also did the painting on Santa Fe’s 1974 calendar. Hemmings was born in New Jersey, educated at the Art Institute of Chicago, and joined the Taos art colony in about 1917.

Indian Chief Children’s Menu

We’ve previously seen children’s menus that doubled as cowboy and Indian maiden masks that were used at the Grand Canyon. This mask of an Indian chief was used at a Fred Harvey restaurant on the Illinois Tollway, but I’ve seen copies of this mask marked for the Grand Canyon.

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.
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The meals listed on the cowboy and Indian maiden menus had western names such as “the Dude,” “the Hopi Hoop Dancer,” and “the Indian Squaw.” The same names were used on the chief mask used at the Grand Canyon, but this one uses names like “Huckleberry Finn,” “Felix the Cat,” and “Bobo the Clown.” I’ve also seen a clown mask menu that was also apparently used at both the Grand Canyon and in Midwestern Fred Harvey restaurants.

Totem Pole Dinner Menu

The cover of this menu says “Monument Valley,” but the spire in the painting is a specific formation known as the Totem Pole. While it is far from obvious in the painting, it measures a full 381-feet tall. The photograph below indicates is also isn’t as isolated from other rocks as the painting would suggest.

Click image to download a 585-KB PDF of this menu.

The painting is by Gerald C. Delano, who also did a painting of Indian ponies featured on another Santa Fe menu. The menu itself is for an unspecified train and has a code “8-11-1.” Since the prices are similar to a Santa Fe menu coded 10-11-50, and the prices on the two menus are similar, I interpret this one to mean August 11, 1951. The Texas Compound has the same cover on a 1952 menu. Continue reading

Navajo Along the Santa Fe

The Navajo Indians in this menu’s cover painting are pointing to a steam train in the distance, which at once is supposed to convey the wildness of the West and how it has been tamed by the railroad. The 1911 painting was by Lon Megargee. Born in Philadelphia in 1883, Megargee moved to Arizona at the age of 13 and worked as a cowboy for several years. He then moved to Los Angeles where he learned to paint, returning to Phoenix to become known as “Arizona’s Cowboy Artist.” This must be one of his earliest paintings.

Click image to download a 866-KB PDF of this menu.
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The dinner menu inside is identical to yesterday’s down to the “8-11-1” code. That means the painting was only 40 years old when the menu was issued.

Big Dome El Capitan

In 1954, Santa Fe added a full-length dome to its all-coach El Capitan. Just two years later, it replaced the Big Domes (as the railroad called them), along with the rest of the train, with Hi-Level cars. This 1954 brochure advertises the Big-Dome version of the train.

Click image to download a 3.3-MB PDF of this brochure.
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One side of this brochure uses many of the same color illustrations that were found in the railroad’s 1953 booklet about the train. The other side focuses on the Big Dome and actually uses photos rather than illustrations. The only photo that isn’t of the dome car shows El Capitan‘s boat-tailed observation car. The railroad soon realized that people would rather be in dome cars than observation cars and eliminated the observation cars as it added domes to more trains.

Come on Down to Texas

This 1957 brochure is twice as big as the Kansas City Chief brochure shown here a couple of days ago, which is probably appropriate as the Texas Chief went almost three times as many miles. The brochure also doesn’t have any of the faux-silver ink meant to imitate stainless steel. This is just as well because, while pretty, it doesn’t scan well.

Click image to download a 2.9-MB PDF of this brochure.
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The Texas Chief went all the way to Galveston, taking 26-1/4 hours to go 1,410 miles, for an average speed of about 54 miles per hour. Three train sets were required to operate the service, giving train crews about 9 hours at either end to turn and clean the train.

The First Stage of Intoxication

Many of the restaurants Fred Harvey operated across the country included bars selling cocktails, whiskies, and similar drinks. Someone at the Fred Harvey headquarters thought that it would be amusing to have beverage menus with paintings of “the seven stages of intoxication.”

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this beverage menu.

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Another Great Chief

Although Burlington tried to compete with the Kansas City Zephyr, Santa Fe dominated the route between Chicago and Kansas City. This was partly because Kansas City was on the route for all of its Chicago-California and Chicago-Texas trains. Thus, the Super Chief, Chief, El Capitan, California Limited, Grand Canyon, Texas Chief, Antelope, Kansas Citian/Chicagoan, and at least one unnamed train all served the Chicago-Kansas City route in 1950.

Click image to download a 2.0-MB PDF of this brochure.

Some of these trains, such as the Super Chief and El Capitan, passed through Kansas City in the wee hours of the morning, but the California Limited left Chicago at 8:45 pm and arrived in Kansas City at 6:05 am, perfect for business travelers. Santa Fe didn’t want people taking seats or rooms from Chicago to Kansas City that might otherwise have been sold to Chicago-Los Angeles passengers, and the Kansas Citian/Chicagoan were day trains, so it inaugurated the Kansas City Chief in 1951 to carry overnight passengers between the two cities. Continue reading

El Capitan Timetable

We’ve seen timetable cards like this for the Grand Canyon. The ones I have for that train are all from the 1960s, but this is from 1953 or before, as indicated by the “Extra Fare” notation: Santa Fe stopped charging extra fares for the train in December, 1953.

Click image to download a 650-KB PDF of this timetable card.
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The times in my 1953 Santa Fe timetable match those on this card. According to Streamliner Schedules, the same schedules were used when the train was first inaugurated in 1938. However, schedules were slowed during the war years. I suspect this card dates from the early 1950s.

Evening on the Farm

This 1948 lunch menu was used in Grand Canyon’s El Tovar Hotel, which was owned by Santa Fe and leased to Fred Harvey. The menu has seven entrées that appear on both the a la carte and table d’hôte sides, including haddock; bacon and eggs; lamb stew; pot roast; turkey a la king; Thuringer sausage; and a cold plate. Table d’hôte adds 50 cents to the price of a meal; multiply prices by eleven to get today’s dollars.

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.
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The cover painting, explains the back, was by Nebraska-born artist Dale Nichols (1904-1995). Like most Santa Fe/Fred Harvey artists, he studied art at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, an early name for the Art Institute of Chicago. The blurb on the back of the menu describes his style as “down-to-earth superrealism,” but a couple of decades later superrealism would come to mean paintings that are practically indistinguishable from photographs. I haven’t been able to find a formal name for his painting style, so I’ll just call it Midwestern landscape style.