Empire Builder Lunch Menu by Reiss

This undated lunch menu features Riding Black Horse. A photo below shows someone named Bob Riding Black Horses in a 1905 parade in Alberta. Would that have been the man in the Reiss portrait or his son? Other photos show him wearing the same clothing, but a different headdress, than in Reiss’ portrait. Since he is described as a “brave,” it is possible that Riding Black Horse did not actually own the ceremonial headdress shown in the painting.

Click image to download a 1.2-MB PDF of this menu.

This lunch menu is undated but is probably from the late 1930s. A complete meal with any of six entrées is 85 cents, while a sirloin or tenderloin steak is $1. Page 2 has a space for the name of the dining car steward and the dining car itself; the car appears to be “Indiana,” though I thought GN named its dining cars for states actually served by its lines.

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Empire Builder Breakfast Menu by Reiss

In the 1930s, the Great Northern used paintings by its favorite artist, Winold Reiss, on the covers of some of its menus. Reiss had produced more than 50 Indian portraits that were purchased for the railway by Louis Hill, the Empire Builder’s son. Where most of his portraits were busts, the images on the menus, which Reiss had painted in 1927, were taller (the original paintings were 80″x36″) and show standing Indians.

Click image to download a 1.9-MB PDF of this menu.

This portrait features Chief Shot on Both Sides (sometimes called Shot from Both Sides), who became chief of his tribe, the Kainai Blackfeet, in 1913. Blackfeet receive their names at birth, usually based on something one of their parents did, so it was probably the chief’s father, Crop-Eared Wolf, who shot from both sides, perhaps while riding a horse.

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Winnipeg Limited On-Board Stationery

This stationery was made available to first-class passengers in the air-conditioned observation compartment car of the Winnipeg Limited, which operated between the Twin Cities and Winnipeg. As previously noted, only the first-class cars It is an overall male cialis generico 5mg sexual health booster, rather than remedy or aid to some specific problem or difficulty. This will become purchase cheap levitra deeprootsmag.org clear when we discuss the differences between the drugs. For the maintenance of a coupling relationship of a man and a woman deeprootsmag.org buy levitra depends on how successful their relations in the wake of taking Kamagra 50mg, this pill still influences your condition in a positive manner helping you cure erectile brokenness over the long haul. On the contrary, debates about their possible return to the game can last for weeks. buy cialis pills of this train were air conditioned, at least prior to World War II.

Click image to download a PDF of this letterhead. Click here to download a PDF of a matching envelope.

Pacific Limited On-Board Stationery

This piece of on-board stationery shows that the Pacific Limited advertised in yesterday’s brochure was an old train even in 1940. The stationery has logos for the Panama-Pacific Exposition, held in San Francisco in 1915 to celebrate the 1914 opening of the Panama Canal, and the San Diego’s Panama-California Exposition. The stationery also indicates that, in 1915, the Pacific Limited served both the Chicago-San Francisco and Chicago-Los Angeles routes. The premiere Union Pacific train on the latter route, corresponding to the Overland Limited, was the Los Angeles Limited.

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Instead of operating on the Chicago and North Western to Omaha, the train on which this stationery was used ran over the “Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul,” or the St. Paul Road, as it was known then. That railroad later changed its name to “Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific” and its nickname to the Milwaukee Road after its 1925 bankruptcy. Ironically, that bankruptcy was caused, in part, by the decline in transcontinental traffic that resulted from the opening of the Panama Canal. The other causes were the excessive cost of the railroad’s Pacific extension, which cost more than five times the original estimates; and the 1906 Hepburn Act, which strictly regulated railroad rates and made it impossible for railroads to compete with unregulated steamships for transcontinental traffic.

The Air-Conditioned Pacific Limited

This 1940 brochure notes that the Pacific Limited was “completely air conditioned,” including both coaches and Pullmans. The Pacific Limited was a distinctly secondary train on the Chicago-San Francisco route, a cut above the Challenger but not as luxurious as the all-Pullman Overland Limited nor as fast as the streamlined City of San Francisco or semi-streamlined Forty Niner and Treasure Island Special.

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The timetable in this brochure says the train required about 60 hours westbound and 62 hours eastbound. That’s faster than the 72 hours required by trains only a few years before, but nowhere near the 39-3/4-hour timetables of the streamliners. Of course, in 1940 the streamliners only operated every second day in the summers and every third day the rest of the year. The Pacific Limited‘s schedule was probably not a great deal slower than the Overland Limited.

The Partially-Air-Conditioned Winnipeg Limited

This little brochure is undated but is probably from somewhere between 1938, when the Winnipeg Limited began, and World War II. The brochure describes the all-heavyweight version of the train whose streamlined version was previously featured here.

Click image to download a PDF of this brochure.

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The Air Conditioned Empire Builder

This 1940 brochure prominently mentions that the Great Northern has installed air conditioning in the heavyweight Empire Builder. Air conditioning is not the only new technology featured aboard the train: Page 3 has a photo of young people tuning a radio as eagerly as people today might log into WiFi. Listening to the radio aboard a train required frequent retuning as the train passed from the broadcast area of one radio station to another.

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Curiously, the floor plan of the train’s observation car doesn’t show where the radio was located, though it is supposed to be in the “buffet lounge.” It does show men’s and women’s shower baths, a feature that–along with the barber shop–would be dropped from the streamlined Empire Builder, presumably because the railway believed people could go 44 hours without a shower or haircut.

Air Conditioning: The Essential Technology

Today is the first anniversary of this blog. To date, I’ve posted nearly 500 PDFs of various streamliner memorabilia, including more than 100 for the Great Northern, 80 for the Union Pacific, nearly 80 for the Burlington (including the California Zephyr), 45 Santa Fe, 38 Southern Pacific, 28 Northern Pacific, 19 Rock Island, 15 Canadian Pacific, about 35 from various eastern and southern railroads, and about a dozen from General Motors or other manufacturers. This doesn’t count various ads, postcards, and other items found on the web and posted mostly as JPGs rather than PDFs.

Click image for a larger view.

I have lots more streamliner memorabilia to post, but today I’m going to start posting some pre-streamliner memorabilia. When we think of streamliners, we often think of Diesel-powered, stainless steel trains. But the Milwaukee Road proved that streamlined steam locomotives could pull trains just as fast (and attract as many passengers) as Diesel locomotives; and the majority of streamlined trains were made of Cor-Ten steel, not stainless steel.

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Great Northern Summer 1965 Condensed Timetables

I have two Great Northern condensed timetables for the summer of 1965, one that was “effective May 23-September 6” and one “effective August 22-October 31.” The only substantive difference I can find is that, on the earlier timetable, train number 20 from Minneapolis arrives in Duluth at 7:05 pm, while on the later timetable it arrives at 7:00 pm.

Click image to download a 2.6-MB PDF of this timetable.

Beyond this, there is another curious difference: the earlier timetable shows all schedules in both standard and daylight time. But many of the daylight columns are blank or mostly on the later timetable. Daylight times are completely missing from the Winnipeg Limited, Red River, and Dakotan schedules, and except for Superior, Wisconsin are missing from the Badger and Gopher schedules as well. Perhaps for lack of room, neither timetable has daylight savings times for the Havre-Great Falls route, but both have them for other trains.

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COP 1971 Mormon Temple Menu

Temple Square, which the Union Pacific notes is “usually of chief interest to the visitor in Salt Lake City,” features the Mormon Temple and Mormon Tabernacle. Considering that it was built in the 1860s, the Tabernacle is remarkable for its elliptical, timber-framed (meaning built with pegs, not nails) dome whose interior can seat 8,000 people.

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Although this menu has the same April, 1971 date as yesterday’s, the table d’hôte offerings are salmon, chicken, and beef, rather than trout, turkey, and veal. They also come with whipped, not baked, potatoes. The price of the salmon has increased by a nickel, to $3.95 (about $23 today), from the July, 1970, Jackson Lake menu, which offered salmon, turkey, or ham.