Two Modern Railway Passenger Terminals

In 1925, Chicago had twelve times as many people as St. Paul — 3 million people vs. a quarter million. But in the late 1920s St. Paul Union Depot (SPUD), which was completed in 1924, hosted almost as many trains per day — up to 282 — as Chicago’s Union Station, which opened in 1925 and at its peak served 300 trains per day. This brochure briefly describes the two stations, effectively showing their equality in stature.

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this brochure.

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More GN Postcards

The first card today is postmarked April 6, 1916. The fact that it doesn’t have the “See America First” slogan in large letters or a little rhyme on the back suggests that the cards with that slogan were only used in 1913-1915. This card does, however, say “‘See America First’ Series” in small print. The card is postmarked Astoria and was mailed to someone in Portland, so the writer’s description of taking a long walk and skating has nothing to do with Glacier Park.

Click image to download a 257-KB PDF of this postcard.

The next card says it is “‘See America First’ series B No. 41” but it has been preprinted to allow people to write a GN agent asking for passenger travel rates. The front of the card shows the Many Glacier area before a hotel was built there. Since that hotel opened in 1915, this card, like the ones from yesterday, could be from 1914. Unlike the previous card, this one has a rhyme on the back that we’ve seen before: “Where Glaciers of the long ago–Lay gleaming ‘neath the eternal snow.” Continue reading

See America First Postcards

Great Northern opened the Glacier Park Hotel in 1913 and popularized the “See America First” slogan to encourage people to visit the park instead of taking a trip to Europe. These postcards were part of this campaign and all have the See America First slogan on the back along with a 1914-1920 railway logo and a little rhyme. The first shows Iceberg Lake and the ditty on the back states, “Where Nature speaks from snow-covered peaks.”

Click image to download a 341-KB PDF of this postcard.

In an elaboration of the See America First slogan, the back of the next card reads, “Let your foreign bubble burst–Go and See America First.” The card, of course, shows a famous view of St. Mary Lake with Going to the Sun Mountain in the background. Continue reading

Mardi Gras Dinner Menu

We’ve seen this Sunset Limited menu before from the Ira Silverman collection at Northwestern University. Today’s example is from my own collection and is dated March, 1962 (compared with September 1962 for the Silverman menu).

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this menu.
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Both menus feature entrées of fresh fish and sirloin steak on the table d’hôte side, but today’s menu also offers chicken fricassee and baked ham instead of pork chops and capon. The a la carte sides of the menus also differ, as this one adds the same chicken fricassee and baked ham entrées to the list which otherwise includes fish, steak, and lamb chops. This menu also offers carrots and peas or spinach instead of the more generic “vegetables.” Desserts are also different: cherry tartlet instead of diplomat pudding and berries in cream instead of peaches and cream.

SP West Visits Shasta Dam in 1942

Just a week ago, we saw an issue of West, Southern Pacific’s periodical for travel agents, that featured the Shasta Dam under construction. It wasn’t dated but I estimated it was from 1941.

Click image to download a 3.6-MB PDF of this brochure.

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Southern Pacific Doilies

Whoever collected the maps, timetables, and other items from the trip from Detroit to the San Francisco convention also picked up these two doilies, either from the train from Ogden to Oakland or San Francisco/Oakland to Los Angeles.

Click image to download a 352-KB PDF of this doily.

The first one shows Southern Pacific’s winged sunset logo that was first used on the Daylight. This suggests it was collected on the San Francisco/Oakland-Los Angeles leg of the trip. Continue reading

Southern Pacific 1949 Menus

These menus were used on the knights templar trip from “Detroit to San Francisco and return.” They don’t say exactly what day they were used, and since there is one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner menu, they could all have been used on the leg from San Francisco to Los Angeles. We’ve seen all of these covers before so I’m just including them here to document this tour.

Click image to download a 684-KB PDF of this menu.

The breakfast menu offers a choice of omelet, ham or bacon and eggs, or two eggs. In 1949, a coast line trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles might leave at around 7:30 am and arrive at 11:30 pm. The streamlined Daylights were faster, but this train was made up of heavyweight equipment and I suspect the conventioneers were not in a big hurry. Continue reading

SP July 1949 Overland Route Timetable

Yesterday, I guessed that the train chartered by the Detroit masons went to Oakland over the Southern Pacific. One indication of that is that the conventioneer who saved yesterday’s system timetable also saved this timetable for the Overland Route, which means Ogden to Oakland. While not absolute proof, he or she wouldn’t have needed this timetable if they weren’t taking the SP from Ogden to Oakland.

Click image to download a 9.2-MB PDF of this 16-page timetable.
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We’ve previously seen a 1937 Overland Route timetable. SP also had special timetables for the Shasta, Sunset-Golden State, and Coast-San Joaquin routes. These contained detailed timetables for the indicated portion of SP’s lines plus condensed timetables for the rest.

Southern Pacific July 1949 Timetable

One of the Detroit masons who attended the 1949 convention in San Francisco kept a copy of Southern Pacific’s then-most-recent system timetable. The group would have been on the Southern Pacific from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Since the group was on the Rio Grande from Denver to Salt Lake, it seems logical that they would have taken the Western Pacific to Oakland, but evidence indicates that they took the Southern Pacific on that leg as well.

Click image to download a 30.5-MB PDF of this 52-page timetable.
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This menu is dated July 10, 1949, which happened to be the inaugural date of the Shasta Daylight. The front cover of this timetable is a full-page ad for the new train. The timetable cover itself, shown above, is actually the back cover.

September, 1942 West

The title of this issue of West is “Many Thanks” and page 2 specifically is headlined, “To a sailor at Pearl Harbor” while page 3 is headlined “To the newspapers.” But in fact, this issue doesn’t thank the sailor or the newspapers but instead reports on how the sailor and papers thanked the Southern Pacific.

Click image to download a 3.0-MB PDF of this issue of West.

Case in point, Diabetes, hypertension, hormonal awkwardness, or prescriptions can cheapest cialis without prescription bring about impotence. When tadalafil pills your mind is relaxed, you feel happy. Why to delay in getting the right treatment at the generico levitra on line look these up right time. There price of cialis 10mg was not one prescription medicine or anything else is much needed. Page 2 reprints a five-paragraph letter from a yeoman third class thanking Southern Pacific both for providing service on the mainland and for an SP ad he saw vowing to give “victory trains” (meaning freight trains carrying military weapons and vehicles) priority over all other trains. Page 3 reprints excerpts from more than twenty newspaper editorials lauding the railroads in general, and sometimes Southern Pacific in particular, for “doing the best job of war-time railroading in American history.” While SP officials were no doubt proud of the work they were doing, it seems deceptive for them to pat themselves on the back in the guise of supposedly thanking others. Continue reading