GN-NP Merger Plan of 1927

The consolidation of what was once hundreds of railroads into just seven class 1 railroads today (plus Amtrak) was always controversial. In 1901, to protect his railroads from raiders such as Edward Harriman, James J. Hill created the Northern Securities Company to hold the stock of Great Northern and Northern Pacific. Though this did not operationally merge the two railroads, the Supreme Court held that it violated anti-trust legislation.

Click image to download a 2.7-MB PDF of this 22-page booklet.

By 1920, attitudes towards mergers had changed. As this booklet (which I photographed at the Minnesota History Center) notes, the law at the time of court’s Northern Securities decision was based on the “theory that unbridled competition was of paramount importance in giving the public good, ample, and cheap railroad service.” By the 1920s, that theory was considered “mistaken,” and instead competition was considered “ruinous” because it led to too much duplication of effort. Continue reading

Chicago-Twin Cities Via Air

In 1928, passengers arriving in Minneapolis on the Oriental Limited, Winnipeg Limited, or Red River early in the morning could continue onto Chicago on the Oriental Limited, arriving at 7 pm. Or, thanks to this innovative new service, they could take a Ford Trimotor and arrive in Chicago just after noon. The planes were operated by Northwest Airways, a forerunner of Northwest Airlines.

Click image to download a 564-KB PDF of this brochure.

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Travel by Bus

James J. Hill is well known for having built the Great Northern and for revolutionizing the railroad business in many ways. But he was also an egomaniac who alienated many of his subordinates (such as Henry Minot). He also spent millions of dollars building money-losing branch lines into Canada just to annoy Cornelius Van Horne, president of the Canadian Pacific, because he felt that Van Horne had betrayed him many years before.

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this brochure.

A good case can be made that Great Northern’s greatest president was not Hill but Ralph Budd, whose brilliance Hill recognized near the end of the latter’s life. Like Hill, Budd relied on quantitative analyses to make decisions. Unlike Hill, Budd nurtured his subordinates and he made the Burlington (which he ran after 1932) into “virtually a training school for railway executives.” Continue reading

To California, Go Great Northern

Unlike the brochures presented over the past few days, this one says very little about its purported subject, California. Of eighteen photos in the brochure, exactly zero depict California. Instead, they all show the Great Northern way across the country, claiming that “California tourists are specifying ‘Great Northern’ in at least one direction, year after year.”

Click image to download a 1.5-MB PDF of this brochure.
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This brochure not only mentions the “new Oriental Limited,” which was introduced in 1924, it uses the slogan, “As wonderful as the country it serves.” As previously noted, that slogan was the winner of a contest connected with the train and was heavily used on GN literature in 1924 — but largely disappeared in 1925. That seems to confirm that this and other brochures recently presented here are from 1924.

Lake Chelan & Cascade Mountains

Fifty miles long and as little as one-third of a mile wide, Lake Chelan is “a stupendous and splendid fjord,” says this brochure. It was hard to reach in the 1920s and remains little known outside of the state of Washington. Less than 40 miles from Wenatchee, it was closer to the Great Northern than any other railroad, yet the GN spent most of its money advertising Glacier, which was right on its main line.

Click image to download a 1.6-MB PDF of this brochure.
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Nevertheless, the lake hosted a thriving tourist business. This brochure lists ten hotels, lodges, and camps, as well as boat trips, big game hunting, and other adventures in what was then the Chelan National Forest (now called the Okanogan National Forest).

Tacoma for the Sightseer

Tacoma was the “lumber capital of the world” when this brochure was published. That’s no longer true, but it still has a reputation of being more of an industrial city as opposed to Seattle’s high-tech economic base. Tacoma is also the gateway to Mount Rainier, as the Northern Pacific was fond of emphasizing since Tacoma was technically NP’s terminus and for many years the NP tried to get people to call Rainier Mount Tacoma instead.

Click image to download a 1.5-MB PDF of this brochure.

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Spokane for the Sightseer

This brochure describes some of the landmarks and sights in Spokane which, when the brochure came out, had a population of about 110,000 people (it is double that today). One of the landmarks is the Davenport Hotel, “one of the famous hostelries in America.” I’ve been fortunate enough to stay there and I have to say it is still one of the finest hotels in the country, easily the equal or superior of the Waldorf Astoria and similar five-star hotels.

Click image to download a 2.0-MB PDF of this brochure.

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Seattle for the Sightseer

Superficially, this looks a lot like yesterday’s brochure about Portland. However, it appears to have been written by a different member of Great Northern’s marketing team. Instead of suggesting a ten-day tour, this brochure focuses on Seattle’s rapid growth, mild climate, and proximity to a few recreation areas such as Mount Rainier. It also lists downtown Seattle hotels, theatres, and churches, which were unmentioned in the Portland brochure.

Click image to download a 1.8-MB PDF of this brochure.
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The only hints about the date of the brochure are that it lists the 1923 enrollment at the University of Washington (7,005 students compared with 47,500 in 2019) and it mentions the “new Oriental Limited,” which was inaugurated in 1924. It also has an artist’s drawing of the “new Olympic Hotel,” which had its grand opening in December 1924. The image of the hotel was also used on a postcard, and it is clearly a drawing, probably before the hotel was completed. Thus, 1924 seems a reasonable date for this brochure.

Portland for the Sightseer

This brochure starts out aiming to sell Portland as a location for conventions but ends up suggesting a ten-day tour of the Portland area. The tour includes four days in Portland, two on the Columbia River Highway and Mt. Hood, two in Astoria, and one in “Salem-McMinnville or some other loop trip.” That’s only nine days; for some reason — perhaps the writer couldn’t think of anything else — the tenth day goes back to Mt. Hood.

Click image to download a 3.0-MB PDF of this brochure.

“Five transcontinental railway systems have their terminus at Portland,” claims the brochure. I count only two, and perhaps three: Union Pacific for certain; Southern Pacific to the extent that its northern terminus was Portland; and Northern Pacific only because it had a line from its western terminus in Tacoma to Portland. Continue reading

The Winnipeg Limited in 1924

We’ve previously seen brochures for Great Northern’s Twin Cities-Winnipeg train from the 1930s and one from the 1950s. In my description of the former brochure, I said the Winnipeg Limited was inaugurated in 1938, but it turns out it had been running since 1906. This brochure with distinctive cover art is undated but I found it in files in the Minnesota History Center from 1924.

Click image to download a 590-KB PDF of this brochure.

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