The Faster North Coast Limited

As I’ve noted before, when Northern Pacific introduced the streamlined North Coast Limited in 1948, it left it on the same timetable as the previous heavyweight train. That kept it at a severe disadvantage compared with the Empire Builder and Olympian Hiawatha, both of which were fifteen hours faster between Chicago and Seattle.

Click image to download an 882-KB PDF of this brochure.

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Dude Ranch Lunch Menu

The front cover of this menu features “youths” hanging on a dude ranch corral while the back cover discusses Rainier National Park. I don’t understand why NP didn’t use the back covers of this menu series to further describe the subject of the photos on the fronts, as doing so would have done far more to sell the idea of taking the NP to those destinations.

Click image to download a 916-KB PDF of this menu.
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While yesterday’s lunch menu seemed to have a Pacific Northwest emphasis, this one seems to have more of a Midwest emphasis. EntrĂ©es include Lake Superior whitefish and the main soup is navy bean (grown in North Dakota, Minnesota, and other midwestern states).

Timberline Lodge Plaza Lunch Menu

We’ve seen this cover before but with a red cover instead of orange and on a dinner menu instead of lunch. It shows a plaza behind Oregon’s Timberline Lodge with a horse standing next to a table where people are enjoying some beverage. I would hope this is not a normal occurrence as it would probably be a health hazard.

Click image to download a 900-KB PDF of this menu.

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Missouri Sunset Dinner Menu

Here’s the first of three more Northern Pacific menus that I photographed at the Minnesota History Center. These are from what I call the “Rustic Photo” series in which sepia-toned photographs are pasted onto the menu covers. The menus are undated but the menus I’ve seen in this series that have dates are from the early 1940s.

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.

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The Red Lodge HIGHRoad Menu

This menu introduces a new gateway to Yellowstone, the “Red Lodge HIGHRoad,” now known as the Beartooth Highway. We’ve previously seen a 12-page booklet about the road that NP also published shortly after it opened in 1936. Both the booklet and the menu insisted on calling the new road the “HIGHRoad,” a name that fortunately did not stick.

Click image to download a 1.2-MB PDF of this menu.

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In the Montana Rockies

This lavender-colored cover with a photo of dude ranch cabins on a Montana river makes me want to go to Montana — and I live on a former dude ranch in Oregon! The back cover of the menu invites people to write Northern Pacific for a copy of “the descriptive album, Dude Ranches.” Those who did probably received something like this booklet, which unfortunately doesn’t have the same photo and doesn’t hint which dude ranches are in which photos anyway.

Click image to download a 2.2-MB PDF of this menu.
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Northern Pacific didn’t put a date on this menu, but it is from the 1930s or early 1940s. By the early 1940s, NP was gluing black-and-white photos on its menu covers, but this one, scans for which were contributed by a Streamliner Memories reader, appears to be printed directly on the menu. My guess is that it is from around 1935.

A Picture Book of Rainier Park

This undated booklet is filled with somewhat muddy black-and-white photos and interesting little art nouveau-style graphics. The booklet features the National Park Inn that was an early accommodation for those who wished to visit the park and Paradise Inn that outshone the National Park Inn in both its setting and grandeur.

Click image to download an 8.5-MB PDF of this 16-page booklet.

It’s always interesting to try to date booklets like this. The clues this time are the status of the two inns, the brief descriptions of the North Coast Limited, and the names of the mountain guides who were willing to lead people to the summit of Mount Rainier. Paradise Inn opened in 1917 and an annex opened in late 1920. The annex appears in photos in the booklet, so it must be from after that year. Continue reading

December Was “Montana Month”

Like yesterday’s North Dakota menu, this one promised meals that were all products of Montana. Unlike yesterday’s dinner menu, this one is for both lunch and dinner. Apparently, the entrĂ©es rotated as that part of both the lunch and dinner menus are blank.

Click image to download a 923-KB PDF of this menu.
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The back of the menu has statements from both Governor Joseph Dixon and Governor-Elect John Erickson. Erickson was elected in November, 1924, so it is clear that both this and the North Dakota menus are from that year. I photographed both of the Montana and North Dakota menus at the Minnesota History Center but don’t recall seeing any similar menus for Minnesota, Idaho, Washington, or other states served by the Northern Pacific.

November Was “North Dakota Month”

“North Dakota needs new settlers,” wrote Governor Ragnvald Nestos on the back of this menu. “We have room for them to live and to succeed.” Nestos was governor from 1921 to 1925.

Click image to download a 645-KB PDF of this menu.
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The menu included a “special dinner featuring North Dakota products,” including turkey, squash, wheat muffins, and apple pie. “Testifying to the great resourcefulness of North Dakota’s farm and dairy industries,” says the menu, “today you will find butter, eggs, cheese, poultry, beef, mutton, veal, pork, fruit, vegetables, flour, cereals and even sugar on the Northern Pacific Dining Cars, all North Dakota products.” North Dakota (where some of my family was from) is indeed a great agricultural producer, but the winters are terrible, so it is probably a good thing that mechanization has greatly reduced the need for farm workers in the state.

The Comet

This brochure advertises the short-lived all-Pullman train that Northern Pacific operated from Minneapolis-St. Paul to Gardiner in the park season, which would have been June 16 to September 15 in the year the brochure was issued. The six-panel brochure includes a half a dozen photos of the train and several photos of Yellowstone including the Frank Haynes garbage-dump bear photo on the cover.

Click image to download a 2.3-MB PDF of this brochure.

Wikipedia’s not-always-reliable list of named-passenger trains doesn’t include a Northern Pacific Comet, but it does list the Yellowstone Comet as a train that operated from 1926 to 1932. However, I’m pretty sure I found this in the same Minnesota History Center file as yesterday’s 1924 North Coast Limited brochure. Continue reading