Bern Hill Posters 3

Here are the rest of the Bern Hill posters that I haven’t shown in a previous post.

This image is from the Palumbo collection. Click image to download a 6.2-MB PDF of this poster.

Greg Palumbo’s image of this poster was much darker than the magazine covers and other poster images I have seen. I lightened it up.

Click image to download a 2.9-MB PDF of this poster.

This was one of the more difficult images to make because the color of the sky on the magazine cover was a muddy brown while the color in some of the poster images I’ve seen was yellow. I tried to compromise but the result may be different from an actual poster.

Click image to download a 2.7-MB PDF of this poster.

I believe the colors here are reasonably close to the original poster.

Click image to download a 3.4-MB PDF of this poster.

This one is also pretty close to the original.

Click image to download a 2.7-MB PDF of this poster.

This one was difficult because most of the images I’ve seen of this painting are nearly black above and below the train. When I lightened them up, I could see there are green trees in that area, which is more realistic than bare rock.

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