Bern Hill Posters 2

All of the poster images in yesterday’s post were from Greg Palumbo’s collection, but none of today’s are. Instead, I’ve used the highest-resolution images I could find for each poster. I’ve placed them all in consistently-sized PDFs, but in most cases the actual resolution will be lower than for yesterday’s.

Click image to download a 4.5-MB PDF of this poster.

As I noted about this image on the magazine cover, Hill had taken his usual liberties with reality in placing a Frisco train in a scene of oil wells that really existed, but not on the Frisco rail line. It made for a colorful scene and the colors of this image appear to accurately reflect the poster.

Click image to download a 3.3-MB PDF of this poster.

These colors also appear to be accurate to the poster even if the original painting itself wasn’t accurate about Milwaukee Road passenger train colors.

Click image to download a 3.6-MB PDF of this poster.

The images I have of this Railway Age cover shows a slightly brighter yellow than appears on this poster. This was the brightest yellow I could coax out of the poster image.

Click image to download a 4.2-MB PDF of this poster.

Another predominately yellow image that looks pretty accurate.

Click image to download a 4.5-MB PDF of this poster.

This was a challenge because there are so many colors in the original image and adjusting one ended up changing others. I think I came close but I doubt that it perfectly reflects the original.

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