Black Logo Postcards

According to Railroad Postcards of Yellowstone, Northern Pacific issued at least 18 postcards with a black (as opposed to red-and-black) logo on the back, starting in about 1913. The back did not have a photo-related caption but just said, “Northern Pacific is the Direct and Only Line to Gardiner Gateway, Original and Northern Entrance to Yellowstone National Park. Season June 15 to September 15” (or a slight variation). I copied three of these cards from Minnesota History Center files.

Click image to download a 332-KB PDF of this postcard.

This shows the station at Gardiner. Although the photo shows horse-drawn coaches, automobiles began to replace stagecoaches in around 1915. The Park Service charged private parties $10 per car, or about $100 in today’s money.

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Despite being a hand-colored lithograph, the colors in this picture are pretty close to those found on modern color photos.

Click image to download a 385-KB PDF of this postcard.

In contrast, this rather dreary photo shows colors visitors would rarely see, if they aren’t completely a figment of the artist’s imagination. According to Railroad Postcards of Yellowstone, this card was issued with several slight variations of the front photo caption, indicating different printings over several years.

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