1979 Breakfast Menu

This menu was printed on one side of lightweight paper. It looks like it could have doubled as a placemat, but from the fact it is folded I suspect instead that it was meant to be inserted in some sort of menu cover.

Click image to download an 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.
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Except for the addition of a children’s menu and some price increases due to the rampant inflation of the 1970s, the menu is pretty much the same as the breakfast portion of the 1978 San Francisco Zephyr menu. The latter menu noted that a children’s menu was available separately, so it appears the basic menu hadn’t changed, only the prices.


1979 Breakfast Menu — 1 Comment

  1. “We suggest you begin with a Bloody Mary or a Screwdriver.”

    Can you believe it? In today’s (relatively) puritanical and judgmental culture, such a suggestion would get you labeled as promoting substance abuse and who-knows-what-else. But then, this was the free-wheeling 70s, and an eye-opener was not exactly frowned upon when traveling on leisure. Shoot, I’m so old I can remember when drinks with a customer was how business got done.

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