NP’s Holiday Lounge Car

This 1956 brochure uses NP’s typical black-and-white photos with red trim format to advertise the lounge car on NP’s Mainstreamer. This had been the coffee shop-lounge car on the 1948 North Coast Limited. The only decoration in that original car was a photo of Mt. Rainier mounted on the bulkhead at one end.

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As redecorated with the help of Raymond Loewy, the car now had an etched mirror showing some early NP steam locomotives plus an imitation headlamp on the same bulkhead where the Mt. Rainier photo once presided. The walls appear to be faux wood rather than plain paint, and the tables are somewhat modernized. The lunch counter that once occupied one end of the car has been turned into a parlor section for first-class passengers only. This meant coach passengers had to eat in the diner, paying the same prices as first-class passengers, while passengers on the North Coast Limited had their choice of the diner or the lower-cost buffet in the Traveller’s Rest car.


NP’s Holiday Lounge Car — 1 Comment

  1. I rode in the Holiday Lounge in 1962 when I was about 14 on a trip in the Mainstreeter. You could still get lunch counter type food. It was bought from the dining car kitchen as I recall. There was a steward in attendance and a menu of some type. The parlor section was very small, maybe 10 seats at most. I checked it out when no one was looking. Not very impressive actually. The walls were partially some kind of wood grain melamine with a painted plastic surface about halfway down. I remember it being a cheery sort of car. It had a big console radio as well, which I fiddled with constantly trying to bring in some stations, much to the annoyance of other occupants, I’m sure. 🙂


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