Burlington April 1969 Timetable

Issued six months after yesterday’s timetable, this one has all of the trains that were also on yesterday’s. One thing I didn’t note yesterday was that the California Zephyr had become an extra-fare train.

Click image to download an 2.7-MB PDF of this timetable.

“The following California Zephyr charges will be assessed,” says the October 1968 timetable: $20 first-class and $10 coach for passengers between Burlington and Western Pacific stations and $10 first-class and $5 coach for passengers between Burlington and Rio Grande stations. There were zero added charges for passengers riding between one Burlington station and another. Today’s timetable reduced the WP charges to $15 first class and $5 coach and the Rio Grande charges to $7.50 first class and $2.50 coach.

I don’t see these charges mentioned in any of the histories of the train that I have on my bookshelves. Western Pacific had applied to the Interstate Commerce Commission to discontinue the train in 1966 and again in 1968 and been rejected both times. It is possible that Burlington added these charges, possibly with ICC approval, so it could compensate Western Pacific and Rio Grande for their losses on the train. It didn’t help: WP finally gained approval to terminate the train in March 1970.

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